The campaign "To give birth to humans" changed Polish obstetrics. And that's good, because we were far behind civilized countries. However, it is worth considering what is important during labor for a woman and her baby and what is a good labor.

The awareness of future parents, their knowledge and expectations has grown. The future father ofof the babygoes to birthing school, holds his hand at thedeliveryand cuts the umbilical cord. The mother is not begging for her to be consoled and to bring her to feed. The ranking of hospitals made maternity wards look several classes better than internal medicine and surgery wards. Can this wonderful pro-family campaign have any disadvantages? Maybe! In the medical community, "To give birth to human" is a competition of tiles and bedding in a teddy bear. It is enough to renovate the ward and the patients do not fit indelivery room . If director Kowalski cannot afford the renovation, his hospital is referred to as "murder house", "slaughterhouse". After replacing the brown paneling with Italian tiles, director Kowalski becomes a great specialist, and the hospital receives only praise. Dear ladies, if I was to be operated on, I would choose the best doctor, not the best tiles. It's only a few days.

Mistakes in the delivery room - see what not to commit! [TOWIDEO]

Childbirth - labor contractions

Many women have problems recognizing the onset of labor. Medicine is an art, not math. There are patients with regular contractions every 5 minutes, which disappear after reaching the emergency room, and those who do not feel contractions and give birth within 5 minutes of being admitted to the delivery room. There is no rule here. Therefore: you have doubts - go to the hospital. Even several times.

Family childbirth

It was wrong to artificially separate the mother from the child and forcing the father to stand outside the hospital. But it's also wrong to force the father to cut the umbilical cord and the mother to care for the baby 10 minutes after giving birth. A woman who wants to have a cesarean and does not breastfeed, a father who has not been in childbirth face accusations served under the influence of the prevailing fashion. For me, to give birth as a human being is a state in which we have a he althy child and mother, and everyone is happy. This is possible due to physiological delivery, with epidural anesthesia, as well as by caesarean section on request.

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