27. one week of pregnancy is already the third trimester of pregnancy. Your tummy is already the size of a large pumpkin, and while your pregnancy is making you more tired, the 27th week of pregnancy is a good time to start taking childbirth classes. During the classes you will prepare for childbirth and learn how to care for a newborn baby.


  1. 27. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?
  2. 27. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?
  3. 27. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations

27. week of pregnancy: how is your baby developing?

In the 27th week of pregnancy, the fetus weighs about a kilogram and measures approximately 34-38 cm. From now on, during the ultrasound examination, the baby will only be measured from head to toe, and not from the crown to the buttocks as before.

The baby is still very slim, but is gaining body overnight. His eyebrows and eyelashes are clearly visible on his face, and there are hairs on the head.

  • How the fetus develops week by week

In the 27th week of pregnancy, the retina of the eye is already well developed. The iris is blue in color (it will acquire the final color within a few months after giving birth).

The baby doesn't have much space around him anymore, so he is not as mobile as in the previous weeks. He focuses now on getting to know his body: he sucks his fingers, grabs his nose, ears, private parts.

Malec can distinguish the taste of amniotic fluid better and has a good taste - if he does not like something you ate, you will probably feel a few stronger kicks in return.

  • Everything you need to know about amniotic waters

At the beginning of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby is noticeably calmer. He sleeps a lot, and during sleep the impressions and stimuli he felt during the waking period are consolidated. Although he won't remember any of it after giving birth, it does affect his brain development.

A fetus in the 27th week of pregnancy can smile when it is feeling well, which can be seen during an ultrasound examination.

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27. week of pregnancy: what's happening to you?

Edema is something you just have to get used to in the 27th week of pregnancy. Almost every pregnant woman complains about swollen feet, calves and hands during this period. Then it is worth changing shoes for more comfortable ones, wearing themsocks with a loose ribbing, walk more often, rest with raised legs. However, if the swelling does not go away overnight, or you feel swollen beyond measure, see your doctor as it may be a sign of pre-eclampsia.

  • What increases the risk of developing pre-eclampsia?

You may also feel a surge of energy in the 27th week of pregnancy, which will be strange considering that it becomes increasingly difficult to move around. You may already have trouble climbing stairs and find yourself often breathless.

  • Dyspnea, dizziness and fainting during pregnancy

27. week of pregnancy: the most important recommendations

In the 27th week, your doctor may order a urinalysis and a complete blood count, as well as a cytology test, if you haven't had this test in the previous months.

This is a good time to decide on a 3D or 4D ultrasound - you will see a lot on it. It is worth starting to wear breast pads - colostrum may unexpectedly start to flow from the breasts.

  • How do breasts change in pregnancy?

You should still exercise your Kegel muscles because they make it easier to avoid unexpected urinary incontinence and you can recover faster after giving birth. Exercise 10 minutes several times a day.

You can still have sex in the third trimester - uterine contractions during orgasm will not speed up labor.

As your body's center of gravity has now shifted forward, you are more likely to experience falls than before. So take care of yourself, especially in the shower and out of the tub. Most of the falls do not seriously affect the fetus - the baby is protected by the amniotic fluid and the uterus is protected by the pelvic bones.

  • How to safely bathe when pregnant?

If you do fall, be sure to contact your doctor, even if you are okay. Go to your doctor right away, or even better - to the maternity hospital - if you experience bleeding, severe abdominal pain or leakage of amniotic fluid after the fall, which could indicate that your bladder has ruptured.

Also read:

  • Third trimester of pregnancy
  • 26. week of pregnancy
  • 28. week of pregnancy
  • 29. week of pregnancy
