Every mother would like her baby to be strong, he althy and avoid all infections and diseases. For this to happen, the child's immunity must be strengthened from birth. How to strengthen your baby's immune system
Is it true that the baby is immune to infections for the first six months of his life because he is protected by antibodies that he received from his mother in utero?
Not really.Babydoes receive antibodies from her mother, but they protect againstinfectionsuntil around 6 months of age. The concentration of immune antibodies transmitted to the baby from the mother through the placenta gradually decreases from the moment of birth and varies individually. This means that the state of the immune system in children of the same calendar age may differ. In the second half of life, the bodyof the babybegins to produce its own antibodies.
Why is breast milk the best protection for babies against infections?
Because it contains immune factors. There is a lot of immunoglobulin A in breast milk, which prevents infections by covering the intestinal mucosa with a thin film, which prevents harmful bacteria from settling on it and penetrating into the bloodstream.
If a nursing mother has a cold, it is found in her milk. Additionally, there are antibodies that protect the baby against viruses that caused an infection in mum. However, one of the most valuable components of breast milk are prebiotic oligosaccharides - complex sugars. They are not broken down by digestive enzymes, so they enter the intestines, where they are a breeding ground for probiotics - good intestinal bacteria that stimulate the immune system and inhibit the growth of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. Finally, there is also lactoferrin in it, which takes away iron from the microbes, making them impossible to grow.
How can the immunity of a formula-fed infant be supported?
If your baby gets a formula, you can - after consulting the pediatrician - give him modified milk enriched with artificial prebiotics or probiotics. Once you've started expanding his diet, be sure to add vegetables rich in beta carotene (provitamin A) to your soups, such as carrots and pumpkin. Beta carotene is responsible for the proper functioning of the mucous membranes, which are the first barrier that protects the body against attackpathogenic microbes. Vitamin C, found in e.g. in blackcurrant juice, as well as in citrus, which, however - according to the nutrition calendar - can be given to infants only at the end of the first year of life.
Can my baby be given vitamin supplements supporting the immune system?
You must not give your baby any vitamins or minerals, including those without a prescription, without consulting your pediatrician.
How does air humidification improve the baby's immunity?
It has to do with the processes that take place in the baby's nose. The mucosa in it produces mucus on which viruses and bacteria settle and are inhaled with the air. This mucus is then transported to the outside of the nose with millions of cilia. However, their movements stop when the humidity in the room drops below 40 percent. When the mucus is not removed, the microbes multiply and attack the body. Therefore, it is important that in winter, when the radiators heat up, the air in the children's room is additionally humidified. This can be done with a special humidifier or simply hang a wet towel on the radiator.
Why does smoking in front of a child weaken his immunity?
Because the chemical compounds contained in cigarette smoke (there are nearly 4,000 of them, and according to the latest estimates, up to 250 of them can cause cancer) impair the immune system, reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood and disrupt the functioning of the lungs. A child inhaling cigarette smoke is also more likely to develop respiratory infections, which can lead to immune disorders.
Why good hygiene can improve immunity?
If you do not sterilize bottles and teats or wash your (your baby's and your baby's) hands thoroughly, you may become infected with the gastrointestinal tract. Diarrhea, on the other hand, impoverishes the natural bacterial flora of the baby's organism, which makes it more susceptible to infections.
Can a baby be hardened? What's the best way to do it?
A baby also needs to be tempered, although slightly different than an older child. This can be done in several ways.
- Daily, at least an hour's walk in a clean environment from exhaust fumes. The body is then oxygenated, and therefore functions better. In addition, outside, the immune system comes into contact with microbes and learns to react to them.
- Dressing appropriate to the circumstances. The most common cause of colds is overheating. A toddler dressed too warm has an inefficient thermoregulation system, which makes it difficult to handle temperature changes, gets cold quickly and becomes ill more often. A child outside who is not yetit should be wearing one layer more than the caregiver. From time to time, you also need to check if the child is too hot or too cold by touching his neck (if it is cold, it is a sign that they need to be covered with something).
- Climate change. An organism that has to adapt to new conditions mobilizes all forces, including the immune system. It is best to go with your baby for at least 3 weeks - during the first two weeks, the body gets used to the new conditions, and then it starts to respond well to a different climate.
- Screwing on the radiators and frequent airing of the room. The ambient temperature should be 19-22ºC. When it is higher, there is less moisture in the air, so the mucous membranes in the baby's mouth and nose dry out and are no longer as effective as a protective shield against microbes. Also, fresh air blows out germs.