Is the presence of a husband (partner) in labor a good idea? Will it help or rather disturb and irritate? Is the man emotionally mature enough, resistant to stress and internally convinced that his presence during childbirth is necessary? Read the honest account of my dad, an active participant in childbirth.
In fact, I was hesitating right to the end of my wife'sbirth . One thing I knew for sure - I can't be further than the door of the delivery room at this point.
Doubts about being present during childbirth
But to be there with her? There were many questions in my head. Will my presence help or disturb her more? Am I immune enough to all of this? Because the fathers' reports on the Internet showed that childbirth was mainly pain, screaming, stress and a sea of blood. As I read the stories of women cursing their husbands in childbirth and blaming them for all this torment, I was worried if that would not be the case in our case. Both my wife and I have a very emotional approach to all kinds of conflicts. So how are we supposed to remember the birth of ourbabylater, if we were both pissed at each other at the time? Will I fail my wife? Will I be able to help her as much as she expects me to do? Wouldn't it be better for her mother or friend to be with her then? There were many doubts and they accompanied me for 9 months.
Learn 10 ways to have a light birth
Concerns about being present
I wanted to be in childbirth one day and definitely not the next. I analyzed various scenarios. I tried to predict everything and set up a plan of action. And what was the reality? There is no need to assume any scenarios! One thing is for sure. Each birth is different and everyone feels and experiences it differently. In fact, thefamily birthhelped me a lot to discover myself. I did not expect that I would have no problems changing bandages, pads, cleaning up the blood and servicing my wife in the most embarrassing situations. If someone had told me about it before the birth, I would have flinched. But at that moment, there was no time to wonder. Not for a second did I feel disgust, disgust orfear. In such situations, a person realizes how unimportant he becomes when it comes to helping a loved one. Have my concerns about childbirth come true? Something happened that I was even afraid to think about before the birth.
Complications during childbirth
Marta could not oust Stas. We later found out that the umbilical cord was too short. The baby was coming out and backing up. The doctor decided to take Staś out with the help of a vacuum, and they ordered me to leave the room. I don't even know how much I sat in front of the door waiting to hear my baby cry. It could have been 5 minutes or an hour… I don't know. At that moment, every second was too long. Now, when I remember that moment, tears come to my eyes on my own, even though I consider myself a "maczo" type rather than a "sensitive" type. I prayed not to hear, "We have bad news for you." Every cell in my body has prayed for this. As soon as I heard the crying, I burst into the hall. In the harsh light of the lamp I saw the "jammoon" lying on Marta's stomach and I went mad with joy. The birth of a child is undoubtedly the most wonderful moment that happens to a human being. You can have billions of fears, tremble with fear … but you have to be there and you have to survive it. It's hard to say if there was anything to be afraid of. I experienced a terrible fear when they pulled my son out of my wife's belly, and I could do nothing, I could only pray … So I guess there was something to be afraid of. But there is fear on one side, and on the other - experiencing the moment when the child is born with my wife. Fear must fail! I will never forget the moment when they handed me Stas, who was born five minutes earlier. Oh my!!! Never in my life have I held a child under a year old in my arms. And now I was holding my own five-minute son !!! I remember he weighed nothing. He was light as a feather. Wrapped in blankets up to the top of his head. But I felt his every move and my heart was filled with unimaginable happiness. Joy and pride beyond the mind. A cosmic moment in the hospital in Karowa.
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