Most women have problems sleeping during pregnancy. Falling asleep is made difficult by a large belly, backache, restlessness and calf cramps. In addition, you often wake up at night and have to go to the toilet. How to fight pregnancy insomnia?

Sleep problems in pregnancy: active lifestyle

Ifpregnancyis going well and you feel well, do not give up work, meetings with friends, daily exercises appropriate to the advancement of your pregnancy and everything that gives you pleasure (trips to cinema or theater, shopping with friends). Of course, all within reason. Slow down the pace a bit, but don't give up on what you like. After an active day, your body will naturally require rest andsleep .

Learn proven ways to deal with sleep problems

Sleep problems in pregnancy: long walks

Fresh air is an excellent remedy forinsomnia . If the weather and your well-being permit it, stay outdoors as much as possible. The minimum program is to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed and take a daily evening walk, thanks to which you will oxygenate and relax. Provide yourself with the company of a loved one - it will be better for you. Walk calmly, not too fast, at a measured pace. It's important that you don't push yourself through. When you get too tired, it can make it harder for you to fall asleep.

Problems sleeping in pregnancy: the right bed

The mattress in your bedroom should not be too soft, the best are latex ones with an insert made of bag springs - they do not deform over time and support the spine in a natural S shape. It is also important that the duvet you sleep under, it was not too fat. This is because women's metabolism increases during pregnancy, making you often hot and stuffy. In summer, a thin blanket is enough to cover it. A few pillows will also be useful - you will be able to put them under your stomach, back, bent knees and look for the most comfortable position for you. It is also worth buying a special pillow-playpen, designed especially for pregnant women.

Sleep problems in pregnancy: comfortable position

It is best to lie on your left side, with your right leg bent at the knee and pulled up under your stomach (you can put a pillow or a rolled blanket under it). You can also put a cave under your stomach or put it between your thighs. Most importantly, you wouldshe chose the position most convenient for her. It is inadvisable to sleep on the back. The uterus puts pressure on the vessels on the right side of the spine, making it difficult for blood to circulate and breathe, reducing blood pressure and causing the baby to become hypoxic.

Problems with sleeping in pregnancy: an easily digestible diet

In the evening it is better not to eat fatty and hard-to-digest dishes. It doesn't mean you have to go to bed hungry. Eat something light, some fruit (a banana will be the best because it has the magnesium necessary for good sleep), a vegetable salad, yogurt or rice with vegetables. Two hours before bedtime, it's best not to eat anything anymore. Don't drink too much in the evening, you won't have to get up too often for night trips to the toilet. Avoid coffee, tea and cola because they contain stimulating caffeine. However, it is good to drink a glass of warm milk before going to bed - it calms you down and puts you to sleep. You'll also fall asleep like a gopher after the lemon balm infusion, but better check with your doctor how often you can use it.

Problems sleeping in pregnancy: avoiding stress

When sleep does not come, don't lie idle in a dark room worrying about being unable to fall asleep. Stress will wake you up and it will be even harder for you to fall asleep. Take care of something. You can go around the house, read a book, listen to music (using headphones), arrange photos in an album or browse things for your baby. And when you don't feel like getting up and doing anything, indulge in positive thoughts. Think about holidays, nice memories, imagine those wonderful moments when your baby will be with you. Good night.

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