Discoloration is a word for a pregnant woman as disturbing as stretch marks. But we have good news: they can be avoided. Like most pregnancy beauty problems, skin discoloration is caused by the hormone storm that occurs during these nine months. Most often, discoloration appears in the second trimester of pregnancy. Usually on the face, but sometimes on the neckline, torso and hands.

Where did thesediscoloration come from ? Due to the higher level of estrogens, some of the melanocytes (cells that produce melanin - a pigment whose task is to absorb UV rays) work much more intensively than beforepregnancy . Some scientists have linked this process to folate deficiency as well.

Discoloration during pregnancy appears not only on the face

Discoloration most often appears in the second trimester of pregnancy. They are yellowish or dark brown. Brunettes with dark complexion complain about them more often, although they also occur in blondes. Usually they are located on the face. They can look likefrecklesor have the form of vast spots, symmetrically distributed on both sides of the face (then we are talking about a pregnancy mask). Discoloration may appear on the neckline, arms, torso. From the middle of pregnancy you can also notice a dark brown, vertical line running through the center of the abdomen. This so-called linea negra (dark line) has always accompanied you, but has been almost invisible until now. The fact that she darkens is also caused by hormones, the same ones that make the area around the nipples darken.

The sun and pregnancy - can you sunbathe?

To avoid discoloration, be sure to use a sunscreen

Dark spots on the face cannot be masked with even the most opaque fluid. It will also be a while before they disappear - dermatologists estimate that it takes on average six months to a year on average, and in some women the stains remain forever. Therefore, it is best to act in advance and prevent them from arising. At the same time, there is no need for any complicated procedures. It is enough to avoid ultraviolet radiation in any form: solarium, fluorescent lamps, walking along the sunny street or lounging on the beach. In addition, in summer (as well as at other times of the year on sunny days), before leaving the house, you need to apply a good skin cream withwith a filter (minimum SPF 15) that will protect it from ultraviolet rays. If you suspect that you may be genetically prone to discoloration (because, for example, your mother has them), you should protect yourself "on the root", that is, apply a day cream with a filter and additionally a foundation, also containing a filter. Also, constantly apply it if you work in a company where fluorescent lamps are installed (they imitate UVA rays). It's good if the cream has two types of filters: chemical and physical. The former absorb dangerous light energy and transform it into heat energy that is harmless to the skin, while the latter reflect ultraviolet rays, preventing them from reaching the skin. It is worth knowing that the filters in creams have a short life - after applying the cosmetic, they protect the skin for two or three hours - so if you go out for longer, take the cosmetic with you so that you can apply it again in some time.

Check what blood type the child may have

Your he alth pyramid, or nutrition in pregnancy

How to remove discoloration after pregnancy?

monthly "M jak mama"
