Can the expectant mother fly by plane? Pregnant girls warn each other against flying and tell stories of how a lady with a visible belly was not allowed on board. Newspapers from time to time report about the birth on board the plane. What's it like to fly pregnant - is it safe?
Issafe to fly pregnant ? We reassure you: the expectant mother can fly by plane, provided that the pregnancy is going well and is not in danger. But with some limitations. Some doctors advise you not to board a plane during the first three months of pregnancy - large changes in pressure during take-off and landing could adversely affect the developing internal organs of the baby and even cause a miscarriage.
Flying pregnant on a plane: safety rules
If you are pregnant and cannot give up air travel, the safest period is the middle of the second trimester, which is the period between 18 and 24 weeks, when most of your baby's organs are already fully developed and pressure changes during take-off and landing are okay terror. However, a woman over 34 weeks of pregnancy will not be allowed on board the plane (such a provision is included in the regulations of most airlines). These are not the frills of carriers: during this period of pregnancy, a long journey in sitting position with legs tucked up can cause circulatory problems and fainting, and pressure differences can induce premature labor.
Regardless of your trimester of pregnancy, you shouldn't fly more than three hours one way (that's the same as a flight from Warsaw to Madrid). Rather, do not go on a tiring, several-hour flight to the other hemisphere. Avoid connecting flights. If you have such a trip, plan it overnight.
NOTE: traveling by plane is always advised against pregnant women who are expecting twins or triplets, because such pregnancies are treated as the so-called high-risk pregnancies.
What to do when you are pregnant and going on a plane trip?
- Read the regulations of the airline you are going to use. It may happen that the selected carrier does not allow pregnant women on board.
- Ask your attending physician if you can fly by plane. If you have a visible tummy, take from that tummy tooa certificate of what week you are in (pregnancy booklet may not be enough!). Most airlines require women in advanced pregnancy to present such a document, together with an opinion that there are no contraindications to travel. If you do not have such a certificate, you may not be allowed to board the plane, despite having a valid ticket. The certificate may be in Polish, unless you will be returning to the country by other airlines - then it is safer to ask the doctor to write it out in English. Note: all documents must be presented at check-in.
- Ask your doctor what you can take in case of motion sickness - most preparations are not allowed for expectant mothers.
- Find out where the maternity hospital is at your destination. If you are going to a country whose language you do not speak, write down important phrases such as "I need help", "I'm pregnant", "I'm having contractions, I think I'm giving birth". Visit your branch of the National He alth Fund for information and documents that, in the event of complications abroad (e.g. bleeding or the risk of premature birth), will allow you to use the services of the local he alth service free of charge. It is also worth taking out additional insurance in case of an unforeseen situation - individually or through the trip organizer.
Pregnant on the plane - what should you pay attention to?
- Sit down at the aisle. During the flight, you will use the toilet several times, and squeezing between the seats is tiring.
- Ask the flight attendant to help you adjust the seat belts properly. Fasten them so that they pass under the belly.
- Stretch your legs frequently to prevent circulation problems. From time to time get up and take a walk down the corridor. While sitting, move your legs as if you were climbing stairs and make circular movements with your feet.
- The plane is very dry - during the flight, the air humidity drops to several percent. To prevent dehydration, drink plenty of still water.