You are pregnant and you feel an increased surge of energy. Of course, you know that you mustn't carry over and overstrain yourself. But … pregnancy is not a disease - you tell yourself and you start cleaning up as usual. Mistake! Remember that you are now responsible not only for yourself, but also for the new life developing within you. A pregnant woman deserves privileges and support, both from relatives and complete strangers, for example in the queue at the post office.

Many women learn that she ispregnantfeel an increased surge of energy. It is not surprising: after all, it is thanks to her that a new man is to be born - a significant thing, a privilege that gives a woman a huge advantage over the male half of humanity. But just because nature has given you such a "prestigious" task does not mean that you have to deal with whatever falls on you by yourself. Remember that now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the new life that grows in you. Of course you know that you must not overload and overstrain. But out of habit you go tocleaning . You do shopping and washing, cook, do the washing … You want to be brave and resourceful. Stop! This is an excess of ambition. Already at the beginning of pregnancy, you should make it clear to your partner and household members that you need to distribute tasks differently. If a loved one himself offers help andsupport , don't discourage him, don't say that you will do better. This is the perfect time to introduce equality in housework - as long as you haven't had it in your relationship so far. It is also worth assigning minor responsibilities to the older child. Even a little help will be invaluable when your baby is born. Your older child, on the other hand, will be comfortingly aware that he is needed by his mother and will learn to help. If, on the other hand, you live alone, ask for help from someone you know he will not refuse: family, kind neighbors. A pack of close friends will be able to deal with more cleaning or a move in no time - for them it will be just one more party, and for you - a solution to a problem that would be difficult for you to deal with on your own.

Support and help for a pregnant woman

Sometimes future mothers are embarrassed by the interest shown in them, not all of them also want to use, for example, the fact that someonewill give way to them. Some people are even ashamed when someone inadvertently draws the attention of the surrounding people to their different state. End of it! First of all, pregnancy is not a reason to be ashamed, but rather a pride. Second: expressions of kindness must be appreciated, so if someone gives way to you, do not hold back, just give thanks and take the suggestion. And if - which also happens - you are standing, and everyone pretends that they do not see it (or they do not really see it, because the tummy is still small), and you are not feeling well, kindly but firmly ask: "Sorry, could you please? do you give way to me? I'm pregnant and I'm a little faint. Such a request will certainly not pass unimpressed, and even if the one who is answered has the audacity to refuse, there will be someone else who will yield to you. It's important that you sit - it's just safer that way. It is enough for the vehicle to brake sharply - and the misfortune is ready. If you feel faint on the street, go to the nearest store or restaurant and ask the staff for help. Sometimes it is enough to sit for a while and drink a glass of water. However, if you feel that you need a doctor's help, ask for an ambulance.

Privileges for pregnant women

Is it possible to pay without a queue at the cash desk of the shop, arrange the matter in the office, buy tickets at the station? There is no general legal regulation stating that women who are visibly pregnant are served out of sequence. However, many companies (banks, hypermarkets) designate special cash desks or post information about a privilege for pregnant women. In any other case, you refer to the custom and principles of good manners. If the queue is short and you feel fine, it's okay to abuse this privilege, but otherwise it's a good idea to take advantage of it. Kindly ask the people closest to you if you could settle your case out of turn. Don't worry if your request provokes unfavorable comments - appeal to the attendant, and if that doesn't work, ask them to speak to their supervisor. This usually works.

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