It is not a coincidence that the testes, the place where sperm arise, are placed in the scrotum outside the body. As a result, the temperature is lower than inside, which is conducive to the good condition of sperm. They are not used by hot baths, saunas and heat.
Ifspermwere constantly at a temperature of about 36.6 ° C - this is the temperature inside a he althy person's body - it would lead to limiting or even stopping their production. On the other hand, the external position of the testicles guarantees that the temperature is reduced by an average of 3 ° C.
This is enough to create the perfect conditions for sperm cells. Spermatogenesis, i.e. sperm production, is normal at temperatures below 34-34.5 ° C. Increased heat causes apoptosis, i.e. the controlled death of cells that form sperm.
Sperm: overheating affects sperm quality
What's wrong with them? If the testes are overheated, the quality of sperm decreases, which is mainly manifested by a significant reduction in the number of sperm and their reduced mobility. Both internal and external factors can increase the temperature in the scrotum. When due to some disease, e.g. a strong cold, flu, angina, the body temperature rises,semenloses vitality, which affectsmale fertility . This condition may persist for several weeks after recovery. This is a consequence of the fact that the sperm matures for almost 3 months, which means that the current state of the sperm is influenced by unfavorable physical and chemical factors affectingtesticlesfor the last quarter. Among the external factors that negatively affect the condition of sperm, we can mention, for example, hot baths, frequent visits to the sauna, wearing windproof, tight underwear or pants, a sedentary lifestyle, work or being in high temperature.
How long do sperm live
Sperm - occupational groups at risk of lowering the quality of sperm
One of the occupational groups that is at risk of lowering the quality of sperm is drivers. Sitting for many hours in one position raises the temperature inside the scrotum. It has also been proven that partners of professional drivers becomepregnantlater than partners of representatives of other professions. Tightunderwear, especially those made of synthetic fibers, significantly increases the temperature in the scrotum. The testes also overheat during visits to the sauna and hot baths. Research conducted in
Scandinavians proved that men who use the sauna frequently have poorer quality semen. Their problem is also low sperm count. In addition, the good condition of the semen is also not helped by a long lounging in the sun. Do they like summer? These statements could be taken as true without any reservations, because it is known that sperm do not like high temperatures.
But after all, both supporters of evidence-based medicine and supporters of natural medicine recommend sunbathing in the treatment of infertility. Statistics confirm that more children are conceived in the summer than at other times of the year. Is this evidence sufficient that sperm are not afraid of the sun? Or maybe a greater number of conceptions is favored by the fact that the sun tunes us well, increases the sexual drive in both sexes?
L-carnitine affects fertility and sperm
Italian scientists have observed that men who regularly take L-carnitine have more motile sperm than those who do not. 60 infertile men aged 20 to 40 participated in the study. They were randomly divided into two groups. One group took L-carnitine for six months, the other - a placebo. Two months after the end of therapy, an increase in the number of sperm cells and an increase in their mobility and viability were observed in men taking L-carnitine.
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