Dysorthography is a specific disorder related to the writing of words with spelling errors. And the point is not that a person diagnosed with dysorthography does not know the rules of correct spelling, but that due to distortions of visual or auditory perception, he writes words incorrectly. Read about the causes of dysorthography and how it is treated.

Dysortographyis revealed in childhood when the child starts learning to write. At the beginning, he can confuse words that are pronounced differently and spelled differently, e.g. plums (write "w", hear "f"), bread ("b" and "p"), sad ("d" and "t" "). The child may also omit some letters, sometimes even whole syllables, or combine prepositions with nouns, eg "winie", "at home". It is also difficult for the child to use words in which the letters look similar, e.g. a-o, p-b, l-l, m-n, g-d and those that are mirror images (b and d). He may also have problems with writing down words with the sounds sz, rz, dz and making classic spelling mistakes, i.e. incorrectly spelling words in which they appear: u-ó, rz-ż, ch-h.

Dysortography: how to recognize?

The teacher will find out faster that he is dealing with dysorthography if it is also accompanied by dysgraphia, i.e. difficulties with writing and dyslexia, i.e. problems with mastering reading skills. Children with this type of disorder not only make spelling mistakes in words, but also their handwriting is misshapen, with an uncertain line. They often spell words longer than their peers, divide them into syllables incorrectly, make mistakes in softening, in words with a similar wording (e.g. g-k, z-s) or "eat", i.e. they do not read word endings.

Importantly, dysorthography occurs in children whose development is otherwise normal. They are able to learn and assimilate the rules of spelling and still make spelling mistakes.

It is easier to find dysorthography in young children who are just starting their studies than in older students, because in the latter case it may be the result of disorders, but also of, for example, previous neglect in learning.

Causes of dysorthography

Mastering writing skills requires appropriate development of visual and auditory functions, correct fine motor skills (it consists ofhands and fingers) and large (general physical fitness), correct speech in terms of articulation, and age-appropriate vocabulary.

Doctors do not agree on the causes of dysorthography, but some of them believe that it may be caused by congenital or acquired microdamages to the central nervous system in utero or during childbirth, if, for example, there were complications around the birth.

To find out that a child has dysorthography, a diagnostic examination should be performed, preferably in a psychological and pedagogical clinic.

Sometimes it is believed that the cause of dysorthography may also be the inheritance of writing disorders. After confirming the diagnosis, you can start treatment, i.e. work with the child, to help him master writing according to the rules of correct spelling.

How to treat dysorthography?

Treatment of dysorthography requires effort on the part of the child, his parents and the teacher. Certainly, you need to spend more time learning to write correctly, but the additional exercises should be attractive for the child, motivating him to further work, and not discouraging him from learning. It is best to use the help of specialists (pedagogue, speech therapist) who will suggest how to best encourage your child to exercise more.

Sometimes it is enough to enter the so-called spelling games, in the form of all kinds of puzzles, rebuses, riddles, thanks to which the child will remember the spelling of words that are most difficult for him.

Teaching a child of appropriate rhymes or songs may also help in mastering complicated spelling words. It would be best if he would enjoy the additional education and be associated with having a good time. An older child who reads reasonably well should be encouraged to read books, because this way he has contact with various words.

If the dysorthography does not result from visual perception disorders, the child remembers individual words while reading and begins to write them correctly over time. The most important thing is that parents show patience with a child with dysorthography, because fighting this disorder is a tedious, everyday work that requires time and willingness. Fortunately, however, it brings visible results. Even if dysorthography cannot be cured completely, you can certainly learn the spelling of words in which the child most often makes mistakes.
