A child's learning difficulties are not always due to laziness. Their reason may be illness or educational mistakes. Children are born and grow up filled with curiosity about the world and willingness to learn. They are intelligent, sensitive. A good teacher can make proper use of these natural qualities. A lot also depends on us - parents. How to help a child with learning difficulties

Learning problemsmay arise at different ages and for various reasons. If trouble comes unexpectedly and it has been preceded by academic success, think about what new might have happened that prevents goodlearning . Perhaps the family had some misunderstandings, articulated by frequent quarrels between parents? Or maybe you don't spend enough timeon the childand want to get attention with bad grades? Often, especially in teenagerslearning problemsare the result of misunderstandings with teachers, conflicts in the peer group.

What to do when a child starts having learning difficulties

With the next pile it can be difficult, but remember that you need to implement a rescue program now and the time is short. Tell him clearly and clearly that you love them despite your lack of success. Repeat until you get bored that "he will do it". Praise even for small successes. Mocking, threats and punishments will not help, but will only undermine the weak self-confidence.


School troubles can be predicted earlier, provided that the child is carefully observed. Caregivers should be concerned, for example, with delayed speech development, inability to build simple sentences, difficulties with remembering simple rhymes. Future problems are foreshadowed not only by the reluctance to draw and other art works. Their harbinger is also their low physical and motor skills as well as bad coordination of movements.

Talk to the teacher about your child's learning problems

It may not be nice, but you have no choice. Try to calmly listen to what the teacher has to say, ask what he thinks the child is having the greatest problems with and ask for advice on how to solve them. Try to negotiate a time needed for improvement in which the child is not questioned. It is helpful to present a specific day-to-day deficiency management plan. If the backlog is nothigh - there is a chance that tutoring will be done. But if, for example, as a result of an illness it becomes difficult - do not delay the involvement of a specialist.

Reasons for learning problems

If your child brings only bad grades, and is withdrawn and aggressive, it is a sign that something is wrong with him. Perhaps he belongs to the growing group of hyperactive, neurotic students who cannot learn to read (dyslexia) or write (dysgraphia and dysorthography).
There can be many reasons for school problems. They should be looked for in the poor family and housing situation of the child, not very humane school methods of education, accompanied by overloaded programs and boring lessons. Nothing should be taken lightly. It is worth consulting the school psychologist. And as soon as possible, because you do not grow out of this type of trouble. They only get worse over time.
A 5-year-old child can speak correctly and clearly. If this is not the case, it is worthwhile to see a speech therapist as soon as possible and eliminate the disorders.
When the child is about 8 years old, it may also be necessary to have his or her hearing tested. It is worth doing this especially when he has difficulties writing dictations by ear. Perhaps the microdamage of this sense causes characteristic mistakes, e.g. phonetic writing, voicing words, problems with softening consonants.

You must do it

Work with your child to develop a plan to correct bad grades. Also precisely write down the rules that apply during your homework:

  • it is good for a child to sit down to class at a fixed time, in a specially designated place. After school and lunch, a moment of fun and relaxation (preferably outdoors) is essential
  • make sure there are only teaching aids on the desk, not distracting toys
  • do not force you to study all the time
  • do not do your homework for the child, but help him / her
  • encourage them to learn aloud. After reading the passage, he can summarize for you what he read. You can help him to formulate the most important conclusions
  • systematically check your progress.

If your child has learning difficulties, check if he or she is dyslexic

In six-year-olds, difficulties with uttering words deepen, they are accompanied by problems with the differentiation of sounds similar to hearing (it is a sign of a disorder of phonomatic hearing). When starting to learn to read, a dyslexic person is unable to separate sounds from a word, to correctly divide it into syllables. He makes a lot of grammar mistakes when speaking. It is difficult for him to define what is on the left and what is on the right. He failsremembering names or a series of names, e.g. days of the week. Not only does he sometimes write very indistinctly, but he is not able to keep words in lines, forgets about letter connections, loses them, confuses graphically and phonetically similar characters. Makes spelling mistakes. The multiplication table is a real nightmare for him.
