The common daisy (Bellis perennis) has tiny, delicate flowers that appear among the first in spring and decorate lawns until late autumn. Daisies are cute, but they also have other benefits - they care for your he alth and beauty. Check what other properties the daisy has.
Daisiesare flowers of light - their petals open at sunrise and close when dusk falls. Although they look quite inconspicuous, they contain many valuable substances. In freshly developed flowers of daisies there are triterpene saponins, tannins, bitterness, flavonoids, volatile oil, mucilage, also organic acids (malic, tartaric) and anthocyanins. Young daisy leaves are rich in vitamin C and mineral s alts - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. It is a good idea to collect some of these delicate plants and use them both for the treatment of various ailments and for beauty care.
Daisy support liver function
In folk medicine, daisy flowers were considered to "cleanse the blood". And indeed - the variety of substances contained in them means that infusions of flowers improve the removal of harmful metabolic products from the body and thus effectively improve liver function. The infusion also helps to protect the joints, because it cleans the blood, e.g. from uric acid, which is extremely harmful to them.
Daisies reduce digestive problems
Daisy tea is a great way to improve digestion. But not only that - strong anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, thanks to the content of flavonoids, tannins and bitterness, make this tea an effective remedy in the case of intestinal inflammation and diarrhea.
Daisies support kidney function
The anti-inflammatory and slightly diuretic properties of daisy flowers are very helpful in treating kidney disorders. Drinking the infusion is also recommended in inflammation of the urinary system and bladder problems.
Daisies help with coughs and colds
The infusion of flowers, thanks to the high content of saponins, mucilages, tannins and flavonoids, is very useful in the treatment of diseases of the upper respiratory tract - it has an expectorant, astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. It also has weak antipyretic properties. Drinking the infusion brings relief from colds, coughs, runny nose and speeds up the return tohe alth.
Worth knowingThe daisy looks nice, tastes goodThe flowers and leaves of the daisy have a delicate nutty flavor. They can be successfully used in a spring kitchen, adding, for example, to salads or soups. Daisy will not only decorate dishes, giving them a beautiful and original look, but also enrich them with many valuable ingredients.
Daisies have a strengthening effect
The cleansing properties of the infusion of daisy flowers favor the overall strengthening of the body. The infusion of flowers and leaves will provide an even better effect, because it will provide a large dose of minerals and vitamins. The infusion can not only be drunk - it is also worth adding it to the bath, then the skin will also benefit from it.
Daisies soothe skin irritations
Tannins and flavonoids abundant in daisies contribute to the treatment of skin diseases, inflammations, eczema, acne, and accelerate wound healing. Such healing properties have both the infusion and the decoction of flowers and leaves - you can wipe the sick skin with them or apply compresses with them. Relief will also bring a freshly ground leaf on a small wound or in the place after an insect bite.
Daisies lighten freckles
This is a completely unique property of daisy flowers - it eliminates discoloration and brightens the skin. This effect is shown especially by flower oil (see recipe below). This is because it also reduces the production of the enzyme responsible for the production of melanin in the skin, additionally reduces the action of this enzyme and reduces the transfer of melanin to the skin surface.
Daisies eliminate swelling and bruises
Applying compresses from a strong infusion (1 tablespoon of dry daisy flowers or 2 tablespoons of fresh daisy flowers per glass of water) on bruised or dislocated places quickly brings relief - reduces swelling, relieves pain, accelerates the absorption of hematomas, because thanks to the large amount of flavonoids , tannins and minerals, the infusion has anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, and also seals the walls of blood vessels.
You must do itDaisy Oil: Skin Lotion Recipe
Arrange fresh, he althy daisy flowers in a jar and pour in good oil (e.g. rapeseed) or olive oil. Put the closed jar in a warm, but not sunny place for two weeks. Shake it periodically - make sure the flowers are completely submerged in the oil. Drain off the oil, lightly squeezing the flowers, and store it in a dark bottle. Use for face masks (e.g. with oat bran), compresses or simply rubbing the skin to soothe skin irritation, lighten discoloration,improve the condition of blood vessels.
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