The level of cholesterol in the blood depends on many factors - diet, exercise, general he alth. Cholesterol norms should refer to the condition of a specific person.
Cholesterol standardsare different in different countries, e.g. in the USA they are 100 units higher than in Poland, and interestingly in some countries they are not applied at all. In Polandthe concentration of total cholesterolin the blood at the level of 200 mg / dl is considered normal in completely he althy and young people. However, the concentration not exceeding 190 mg / dl is safer for our he alth. This applies especially to people who are ill or at risk of cardiovascular disease - the lower the total cholesterol level, the better.
Cholesterol norms - LDL and HDL fractions
- Concentrations ofcholesterol -LDL and HDL are important. In a he althy person who does not have additional risk factors, e.g. smoking, being overweight, eating large amounts of animal fats - an LDL level of 130 mg / dl can be considered the norm. But in post-infarction and stroke patients suffering from ischemic heart disease, it should be much lower than 100 mg / dl, while in diabetic patients - it should not exceed 70 mg / dl.
- HDL, commonly known as good cholesterol, is extremely important for our body. He althy men should have more than 40 mg / dL and women more than 50 mg / dL. But in people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, its concentration in the blood must exceed 60 mg / dl. The more the merrier, because it is HDL that "sweeps out" bad cholesterol from the blood. So the more there is, the more bad cholesterol will be neutralized. Only with a high concentration of HDL will the arteries that supply the heart and brain with blood and oxygen will function reliably.
- People who have high (over 60 mg / dL) HDL levels are considered long-lived because, on average, they live 5-7 years longer than those who have so-called HDL. normal level of this fraction of cholesterol. The most effective form of fighting excess LDL is exercise. This is not a slogan, but a truth proven by many studies. The more we exercise, the better.
- The second ally in the fight to lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol is a low-fat diet. If, thanks to the diet, it is possible to reduce by 10%LDL and total cholesterol values, the risk of cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced. There is something to strive for, because in 40-year-olds the risk is reduced by 54%, in 50-year-olds by 39%, and in 60-year-olds by 27%.
- The values given on test printouts, i.e. those considered as reference (standard), are only estimated values. Therefore, it is not a good idea to interpret them yourself.
Cholesterol level - results are assessed by the doctor and decides on treatment
The evaluation of the test results should be left to the doctor, because - taking into account all factors (general he alth, comorbidities, lifestyle, body weight) - he will be able to determine whether the obtained values of total cholesterol and its fractions are safe for a particular patient . What is good for one person will not be for the other.
High Cholesterol - Expert Tips
- Very high cholesterol and suspected heart attack
Recently, I was in the hospital with a suspected heart attack. Hell in the chest, but all the "cardiac" tests came out very well. However, I have very high cholesterol, high blood pressure and low sugar. What could be causing this? Could it be nervous? I am a slim, active 50-year-old. I take medications, my chest still burns. How to lower cholesterol?
Answer Krystyna Knyplinternist, hypertensiologist, editor-in-chief of "Gazeta dla Lekarzy"
Increased cholesterol is usually associated with an inappropriate diet. Other factors that affect cholesterol are age, genetic factors. Diet plays a very important role because by modifying it we can influence the level of cholesterol. It is advisable to eliminate all fat-containing foods, including sweets (they contain the so-called confectionery fat - which has a very negative effect on cholesterol), fatty yellow cheeses, and cold meats containing fat. Recommended dishes only boiled, vegetables, fruit, skim milk. You should also limit the volume of consumed servings. If you want to have a he althy cholesterol level, you should never feel completely overeated or satisfied. It is also important to treat arterial hypertension, because it additionally aggravates heart problems. Home blood pressure checks are important - especially in the morning after waking up and urinating. If morning blood pressure values are above 130/80 mmHg, more intensive treatment of high blood pressure may be necessary - many people require 2-3 medications to bring aboutpressure to normal.

- Increased cholesterol in pregnancy
I am 26 years old, currently in the 20th week of pregnancy, this is my second pregnancy. My problem is high total cholesterol in the second month of pregnancy. The result was 180 in the 18th week, 275 in the 19th week of pregnancy, 345 and it is still growing, I am afraid to do another test. In addition, I have problems with the skin on my stomach and legs, I have red spots that itch terribly, I've had them for about 3 months. The dermatologist said it was AD, but after steroids and moisturizing the skin, nothing changes, it is still a persistent problem for me. Could such jumps in cholesterol levels be related to pregnancy? I eat very little fried foods, fatty meat, and occasionally eat something sweet, just like before pregnancy. My triglycerides and LDL cholesterol are normal, only total and elevated HDL cholesterol.
Answers Barbara GrzechocińskaAssistant professor at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Medical University of Warsaw. I accept privately in Warsaw at ul. Krasińskiego 16, m 50 (registration is available every day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.).
Elevated cholesterol is a physiology during pregnancy. There is no need to repeat this test. I advise you to visit the dermatologist again and tell about the lack of effectiveness of the current treatment.
- How to deal with high cholesterol?
My husband has very high cholesterol, namely the total cholesterol is 320 and the bad one is 831. What diet should he follow? He is 43 years old, weighs 110 kg and is 178 tall.
Agnieszka Ślusarska is answeringThe owner of the 4LINE Dietary Clinic, chief dietitian at the Plastic Surgery Clinic of Dr. A. Sankowski, tel .: 502 501 596, www.4line. pl
The husband should reduce the weight first of all. Losing weight will lower your cholesterol levels. It is also important that he removes hydrogenated fats, trans fat and excess saturated fat from the diet. Mainly heat-treated meat, meat fried in vegetable oils, not intended for frying or with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, e.g. sunflower oil, fatty sausages, sausages, blue cheeses, yellow cheeses, etc.
It is worth taking care of a greater proportion of fish, pods, nuts, seeds, olive oil. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains are also extremely important as sources of fiber. However, simple sugars such as sweets, bars, chocolates, cakes and confectionery should be eliminated.
- High cholesterol - diet is enough or necessaryare there any drugs?
I am 56 years old, weigh 60 kg and have high total cholesterol 274, HDL 44.6, LDL 205. No diet used so far (I repeated the results twice). Please let me know if there is a way to determine the cause of this condition and if only pharmacologically it can be lowered by taking the tablets to the end. I take OMEGA-3, I don't eat meat, butter etc.
Answer Krystyna KnyplInternist, hypertensiologist, editor-in-chief of "Gazeta dla Lekarzy"
The most common cause of diet ineffectiveness is non-compliance. Introducing a few sacrifices such as "I do not eat butter" is not tantamount to introducing a diet that allows lowering cholesterol. In my experience, there are two most common dietary errors - eating small portions of inappropriate food between meals and eating sweets. A classic example is chocolate bars of various kinds - for many people they seem to be an "innocent snack", advertised as something worthy of our attention in many TV programs and newspapers. Meanwhile, in chocolates, bars and other snacks of this type, there is confectionery fat, which has a very negative effect on cholesterol levels. The second issue is the eggs and all the foods that the eggs were used to make. And the third is sauces, creams, creams and ice cream. If you eliminate these foods 100%, your cholesterol should go down. It happens that there are cases of the so-called diet resistant - but it is not more than 10-20% of all people with elevated cholesterol. Dietary treatment can be carried out up to 6 months, if after this period the cholesterol does not lower, pharmacotherapy is usually initiated.