Curing a disease is one thing, and the other - often a task more difficult than the first - is to quickly regain form. Especially when you were taking antibiotics. After the disease, you need to strengthen the body. A proper diet will help in this, replenishing the intestinal bacterial flora, as well as the lack of vitamins and minerals.
After illnessyou need time to regenerate, because fighting the infection exhausts the whole body. This is a difficult time as you are particularly at risk of reinfection, which can be much more difficult. How can I help myself? First of alldiet .
Strengthening after illness: flora in the intestines
Antibioticis a double-edged sword. It destroys not only pathogenic microorganisms, but also beneficial ones that inhabit the intestines. Their task is to facilitate the digestion of food, to synthesize some vitamins (from the B group), as well as to maintain a proper acid-base balance. So when the antibiotic kills the flora in the intestines, ailments may appear: diarrhea, constipation or mycoses, and due to impaired absorption, vitamin deficiencies may occur. All of this weakens the body. A good doctor, already at the time of prescribing an antibiotic, orders you to take probiotic preparations (Linex Forte, Lakcid, Trilac, Enterol, Bion 3), which contain lactobacilli - Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium bacteria. If not, you need to supplement your diet - drink yogurt and kefir with probiotic bacteria (look for information on the packaging). However, remember that probiotic pharmaceuticals contain much more active substances than food.
You must do itHome sanatorium
After your illness, you have to change your lifestyle a bit. Get a lot of rest, lie down, sleep. Go to bed early, at the expense of a movie or book. Fresh air has a salutary effect. Try to walk for at least half an hour every day, possibly not on the street, but in a park or square. The oxygenated organism hardens and gains new strength to fight.
After illness, take care of quality, not quantity
Don't worry about a lack of appetite. Better take care of the presence of all nutrients needed to regenerate your strength, and reduce the proportion of harmful chemical nutritional additives. Use fresh, good-quality products that are as little processed as possible. Vegetables are ideal - they are easily digestible and fullmicronutrients, vitamins and satiating. Fresh vegetables have the most value, while they are lacking, it is worth reaching for frozen ones. It is best to steam them, and if in water, do not pour out the stock, but make vegetable soup on it. Don't forget about garlic and onions - they are full of bactericidal phytoncides. And use herbs that stimulate the appetite and aid in the absorption of food.
Vitamins needed after illness
After antibiotic therapy, you lack vitamins and minerals - the best digestible ones are those contained in fruits and vegetables. You especially need vitamin A (a lot of it in eggs, yellow and red vegetables). You also need vitamin C (most of it in pepper, parsley, kiwi). You certainly have a deficiency of B vitamins (sunflower seeds, nuts, coarse grains are abundant in them).
Strengthening omega acids
Unsaturated fatty acids build the body's immunity. Apart from nuts and sunflower seeds, they are present in cold-pressed oils, but the most valuable ones are found in sea fish (mackerel, salmon, halibut, cod, herring, sardine). A proper diet will provide you with a sufficient dose of these compounds, however, during convalescence, when the body's need for them is increased, you can additionally supplement them with preparations from the pharmacy (e.g. Omega 3).
More protein
You also need to replenish the protein deficiencies, because the body used up much more of it than normal during the disease. Semi-soft eggs and sea fish are great sources. It is best to bake it in the oven or steam it. Seafood (shrimps!), Lean white meat and dairy products - especially sour ones, such as yogurt or kefir, are also irreplaceable. However, it is better to give up butter, cream, cheese and cheese, because they are too hard to digest.
Appreciate the groats
The coarser the ground, the better - it has a lot of protein, mineral s alts, microelements and vitamins B. During convalescence, it is best to eat buckwheat and millet. The former is valued in folk medicine and macrobiotics for its warming properties. On the other hand, macrobiotics treat all inflammations, and nutritionists appreciate it for its high magnesium content. It is great as a slightly digestible, he althy dessert - sprinkled with cinnamon, baked with plums or jam, preferably home-made.
Treasures in grain
Nuts, almonds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds are a real protein and energy bomb. It is best to toast them in a dry frying pan - they gain a new flavor and are easier to digest. They are very caloric (approx. 600 kcal per 100 g), but also full of vitamins, good fat (with unsaturatedfatty acids) and mineral s alts. A few nuts or almonds a day will therefore be an excellent high-protein snack.
Sample convalescent menu
- Breakfast:
herbal tea, soft-boiled egg, whole grain bread or natural yoghurt (or kefir) with oat flakes, sprinkled with roasted sunflower or pumpkin seeds, additionally with a spoon of honey
- Second breakfast:
a handful of nuts
- Lunch:
onion or vegetable soup (be sure to eat vegetables - you can mix them, but donate the cream), for the main course you can choose: steamed fish with carrots and peas, roasted fish with sauerkraut salad, baked fillet lean meat with steamed broccoli
- Afternoon tea:
fruit salad, kefir
- Dinner:
to choose from: groats with stewed vegetables sprinkled with lots of parsley, pasta with olive oil and vegetables, rice with shrimps, sweet millet with plums
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