A broken heart is not only a description of the state in which we find ourselves after a breakup. Pain caused by unhappy love and negative emotions can weaken the body's immunity and even lead to heart failure. Learn the ways to survive the pain after a breakup and do not break down - after just a few weeks you will be able to start a new chapter in your life.

Symptomsof pain after a breakupresemble a heart attack, but are not associated with atherosclerotic lesions, but with severe emotional stress. They have been scientifically called the " broken heart syndrome ". This disease entity was first described by the Japanese physician Hikaru Soto, who called it takotsubo syndrome.

Broken heart syndrome symptoms

The main symptoms of broken heart syndrome include:

  • chest pain,
  • disturbed heart rhythm,
  • increase in the level of stress hormones in the blood,
  • pulmonary edema,
  • enlargement of the left ventricle,
  • drop in body temperature and decreased well-being (apathy, depression).

These symptoms usually disappear after a week, and in more serious cases, after two weeks of treatment (including hospitalization). They may resolve on their own if their intensity is not high.

How long is the pain after a breakup?

Emotional heart wounds heal at their own pace after breaking up with a loved one. The first days are the hardest, it's hard for us to believe what happened. We hope everything returns to normal, it's just a dream. We feel a strong longing for a loved one and suffer not being with us.

Usually during the first two weeks, the body, mind and heart assimilate a stressful situation. During this time, we can experience a variety of emotions and states: from regret, anger and rage to sadness, longing and depression. It is important for the wound healing process to allow yourself to express all your emotions. It will bring relief. Holding your emotions inside, freezing them in your body can make you seriously ill.

After about a month, you start to feel relatively stable again. We begin to accept what happened. We understand that a chapter of our life has just ended and another has begun. The regeneration process is an individual matter and may be shorter for everyoneor longer.

A broken heart often needs treatment

It is very important to support other people, preferably family and friends. We can feel safer when we are with our loved ones. Positive attitude of other people: caring, open heart, willingness to listen and embrace, is the support that our heart needs the most right now. If, nevertheless, your symptoms of "broken heart" are interfering with your daily life, seek professional advice.

An honest conversation with a person who sympathizes with us, and at the same time is able to look at what happened to us from a different perspective, can bring psychological and emotional relief. A session with a psychologist or a psychotherapist may be helpful. You can also sign up for therapy or development workshops.

How do I survive the pain after a breakup?

1. Put in a box or take out of the house things that belonged to your ex-partner and those that you got from him. For some timegive up going to places that you associate with him . All this so as not to evoke memories. Sometimes minimal contact is also recommended in order to have time to assimilate this experience.

2.Allow yourself to cryand experience all the emotions that arise. Cry deeply from your stomach, throw out your anger by hitting the pillows, sign up for fitness classes to release emotions, but also feel more strength in your body. Abstaining from emotional expression promotes the build-up of emotional toxins that cause disease.

3. Take care of exercise: walk in the forest, bike, Nordic walking, dance, yoga or fitness classes. Working in a group will help you to forget about a stressful situation for a while and your heart will havetime to recover .

4. Learn relaxation techniques that reduce physical and mental stress, relieve anxiety and anxiety, and increase the body's immunity. It can be a relaxation technique in a lying position with quiet background music and a voiceover, breathing exercise or meditation. The easiest way isto relaxafter physical activity.

5. Be good to yourself, compliments yourself, take care of your he alth, buy yourself something you've dreamed about for a long time, go on a trip with friends,have a massage(e.g. Hawaiian lomi-lomi ). Open your heart to love for yourself. Be the friend you've always dreamed of for yourself.

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