The autumn period is the beginning of the school year, but also the beginning of the infection season - after returning to school, children will certainly suffer from colds and other respiratory diseases more often. Their symptoms can be bothersome, especially for young children, so it's worth knowing what to use to help a sick child.
Yes, while some children are definitely looking forward to going back to school, some parents are not particularly fond of this period - they associate them mainly with an increased number of infections. These associations are not unfounded - autumn is the time when we get sick much more often, while children are in some way predisposed to various infections. Their immune system is not yet developed and efficient as in adults, so microbes can easily cause disease once they enter the body. In addition, the toddlers stay in large groups (both during lessons and breaks), and they often share items or food with each other - hence it is only a small step to infection.
What may mean a cold and what ailments may be particularly troublesome for children?
A common cold is a commonly known disease, but still quite often its symptoms are often mistaken for symptoms of a bacterial infection. The main symptoms of colds include:
- runny nose (usually watery initially, but later may become denser),
- stuffy nose,
- headaches,
- dry cough,
- low fever or low fever,
- musculoskeletal pain,
- moderate sore throat,
- feeling tired.
Basically, each of the symptoms listed above can be considered bothersome, but some of them make it particularly difficult for children to function in everyday life. A runny nose, which makes it difficult to perceive odors, and a sore throat - these are the main reasons for the reluctance of sick children to eat or drink. The feeling of a stuffy nose in many toddlers can also lead to sleep problems.
Treating colds, i.e. fighting its symptoms
Colds are viral diseases (caused, among others, by rhinoviruses and adenoviruses) that are treated symptomatically - it should definitely be emphasized that in their case they are not given to childrenantibiotics that are recommended to treat bacterial infections. In the course of viral infections, agents are used whose action focuses on reducing the intensity of symptoms occurring in patients. However, it is worth using multi-directional preparations, thanks to which it is possible to give children one drug instead of several different ones.
In the case of colds, it is important that the drug contains substances that have antipyretic and analgesic properties, and also reduce the severity of runny nose and sinus obstruction, which are the most troublesome symptoms of autumn infections. An example of such a drug is APAP Colds, Junior1- no dyes, intended for children from 6 years of age, in the form of sachets to be dissolved in warm water, thanks to which the child takes the medicine in the form of a warming drink.

When is it necessary to consult a doctor?
A cold may be mild, but there are some symptoms that make it necessary to consult a doctor. These include, first of all, high fever, significant weakness of the child or a clear reluctance to take food and fluids. You also need to see a specialist with your child if, despite the use of over-the-counter medications, the child's condition does not improve or even worsens.
The sponsor of the article is the manufacturer of the APAP Coldin Junior (over-the-counter drug).