Lozenges are one of the most frequently chosen methods of fighting a sore throat by patients. In the pharmacy, you can buy many types of preparations of this type, which differ significantly in composition and nature of action. Some of the pills for sore throat are drugs, but there are also supplements on the market that pretend to be them. When buying a preparation, it is worth paying attention to whether it is a medicine, because supplements, by definition, do not have medicinal properties. What else is worth knowing when choosing pills for a sore throat?
Sore throat pillsover-the-counter lozenges are a good solution for alleviating a sore throat. A sore throat is usually caused by inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. This ailment usually lasts from 3 to 5 days and does not require consultation with a specialist doctor. Unfortunately, possible complications of a throat infection include more serious conditions such as sinusitis or acute otitis media. Therefore, if you do not feel better after 5 days of taking the sore throat tablets, you should see a specialist doctor.
Pills for sore throat and the causes of sore throat
Most cases of throat inflammation are caused by a viral infection. In this case, the symptoms last 3-5 days. We are talking then about acute inflammation. A good solution for a sore throat associated with viral attacks is to take lozenges containing anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic substances.
Bacteria are less likely to be responsible for an acute sore throat. Most often, a bacterial infection appears as a viral complication. Therefore, if your throat becomes inflamed for more than 5 days, see your doctor who may prescribe an antibiotic to fight bacteria.
The causes of chronic sore throat include:
- fungal infections (candidiasis),
- irritation with irritants such as smoke or exhaust fumes,
- allergies
- gastroesophageal reflux disease.
If you have chronic sore throats, it's important to identify the cause of the sore throat. A specialist doctor will best select the method of causal therapy of candidiasis, allergies and reflux disease. Sore throat lozenges can help relieve symptoms in these conditions.
Medicines, supplements,medical devices - which pills to choose for a sore throat?
Throat pills can be divided into three types:
- medical devices- a wide category of products, including devices for medical purposes, including preparations supporting treatment;
- supplements- legally classified as food, devoid of medicinal properties;
- drugs- with documented healing properties. They can have an anesthetic, disinfectant or anti-inflammatory effect.
Dietary supplements often have a composition similar to throat candies that you can buy at the grocery store. Some of these preparations, however, have valuable coating or moisturizing properties.
Their use may be beneficial in case of pain caused by irritations related to the work of the voice or irritating substances (smoke, smog).
It is also worth paying attention to products (supplements or medical devices) containing Icelandic lichen thallus extract (Cetraria Iceland L.). This ingredient coats and moisturizes the throat, soothing pain. Icelandic lichen tablets can be sucked frequently during the day, as well as taken for many days. For this reason, they are a good solution for chronic sore throats associated with lifestyle or chronic diseases such as hormonal disorders or diabetes.
Examples of supplements and medical devices in the form of tablets containing Icelandic lichen thallus extract:
- Junior-angin
- Fiorda
- Finsla
- Herbitussin Icelandic lichen + vitamin C
In the case of acute sore throat, a medicine in the form of lozenges will be a much more effective solution. However, it is worth remembering that preparations from this group have a limited application time of 3-5 days.
Pills for sore throat - types
Over-the-counter sore throat pills available in pharmacies differ significantly in their therapeutic activity. For example, a drug containing an analgesic substance does not block the development of an infection, but only acts symptomatically.
Tablets with antibacterial properties may be less pain-blocking, while inhibiting the development of infection. Coating lozenges moisturize the pharyngeal mucosa, relieving inflammation and thus reducing pain.
Medicines for a sore throat in the form of lozenges can be divided into:
- antiseptic - contain substances with antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and analgesic properties, e.g. benzydamine, amylmetacresol;
- analgesics - contain substances with analgesic properties andanti-inflammatory, e.g. flurbiprofen, levomenthol;
- coating or moisturizing - contain substances that have a surface effect, e.g. Icelandic lichen extract.
Popular ingredients for sore throat pills
- Flurbiprofen
Flurbiprofen is a drug with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Flurbiprofen tablets are used to treat acute sore throats.
They can only be taken for a few days. The drug should not be used by pregnant women. Examples of lozenges: Strepsils Intensive, Flurbifex and Ultravox Maxe.
- Choline salicylate
Choline salicylate is a substance belonging to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. It also shows a weak local disinfectant effect. The drug is well tolerated by patients. It is a component of Cholinex lozenges.
- Benzydamina
Benzydamine is a topical non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID). Its analgesic properties are used in the treatment of inflammations in the mouth and throat. Benzydamine also has a significant antibacterial effect. As a result, throat pills with this substance show both disinfecting and analgesic properties.
Benzydamine has a very high safety profile, which means that its use in a concentration of 1.5 mg / ml in the form of a spray is allowed in pregnant and breastfeeding women. However, lozenges with this substance do not have a recommendation for pregnant women. Benzydamine is found in Septolete Ultra and Tantum Verde sore throat lozenges.
- Chlorhexidine
Chlorhexidine is an antibacterial substance. Medicines containing it are disinfecting. Chlorhexidine is present in Gardimax Medica, Sebidin and Sebidin Plus lozenges.
- Lidocaine
Lidocaine is a substance with local anesthetic properties used to treat a sore throat. Its advantage is the speed of operation. The medicine in the form of lozenges containing this substance is Orofar Max.
- AmylmetacresolandDichlorobenzyl alcohol
Both compounds are local antiseptics. Applied topically to the mucous membranes, they are not burdened with a systemic effect, and their use in the form of lozenges allows for high concentrations to be achieved in the affected areas. According to the results of the conducted research, both amylmetacresol and alcohol2,4-dichlorobenzyl are highly effective against bacteria and fungi. What's more - they are also effective in the context of eliminating viruses responsible for infections in the throat. The synergy of the action of these two compounds allows to obtain more favorable therapeutic effects than using them separately. Tablets containing these substances are e.g. neo-angin.
Pills for sore throat - how to use?
Sore throat lozenges differ significantly in composition. This makes it difficult to create universal rules for safe use for these drugs and supplements. All lozenges should not be taken by children under six years of age due to the risk of choking.
Most of the lozenges with analgesic properties contain substances with high potency. Such preparations can only be taken for 3-5 days. Lozenges based on plant ingredients can usually be used for much longer periods of time. For this reason, before starting the treatment yourself, it is worth reading the leaflet carefully, and then respect the frequency of taking the drug and the permitted duration of therapy.
The lozenges can be taken alternately with sore throat sprays or other lozenges. Combining two preparations with different properties is the recommended method of self-alleviation of minor infections of the upper respiratory tract.
When combining two drugs, however, remember that they cannot contain the same active substance. Failure to comply with this rule may result in an overdose of the drug which is dangerous to your he alth. For example, taking too much benzydamine, which is found in many throat tablets and sprays, can cause delusions, hallucinations, dry mouth, and seizures. When combining preparations, pay attention to their composition, not only the trade name.
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