How can you be happy and maintain good mental he alth? Learn the 19 tips that will make you feel fulfilled, increase your self-esteem and find the meaning of life. Remember that a he althy soul is also a he althy body.

It would seem that the application of all these recommendations needed to achievehappinessis very difficult. However, this is a matter of practice and habit. If we repeat something often, it will build a habit that then works by itself. Unfortunately, toxic thoughts and attitudes also become habitual.

1. How to be happy? Never think or speak badly about yourself

If you fail in something - look for the reasons in such factors that can be changed in the future. If you criticize yourself, make it constructive criticism (what can you do next time to make it work?). For example, if you failed an exam, think "I have not studied enough" (this can be changed) instead of "I'm too stupid for these tasks." Depressive people particularly often see the reasons for their failures in stable and unchanging personality traits: "I am hopeless, I have a weak character, I am unlucky, something is wrong with me …". Looking for the reasons for failure in the characteristics of your personality makes you feel helpless and doomed to misfortune.

2. Know your features that make you someone special, unique, special

If you are shy it also means you can be a good listener, if you are aggressive you could be a good athlete etc.

3. To be happy get to know yourself

Research shows that if people know themselves (e.g. their strengths and weaknesses), their past (including their ancestors), they like themselves most often. A clear and clear self-image increasesself-esteem .

4. Think of a good future and don't let the hope fade away

Failure is often a hidden boon to people who learn from it. If failures do come up - admit them, learn from them, and move on.

5. Do you want to be happy? Take care of your friends

Maintain relationships with people with whom you can develop close, intimate relationships. When you share with loved ones, you share your sorrows and with themjoys, you build your social support network. There is also a sense ofmeaning in life . Supporting friends, spouse and family members also brings psychological benefits to the person who provides this support.

6. Distance yourself from people who act badly on you and look for those with whom you feel comfortable

Remember that in the long run we become similar to those we spend most of the time.

7. Be open to new experiences and don't avoid changes

Set new goals for yourself. Being active and curious about the world is he althy.

8. Cultivate a sense of humor

Psychotherapists know that even the worst problem that the patient is able to laugh about is half solved. Benevolent humor is one of the he althiest defense mechanisms the psyche employs to deal with troubles. Learn to laugh at yourself. Look for the comic aspects of your problems. Allow yourself to be ironic about your own flaws.

9. Be socially active, because it relieves anxiety

It is worth participating in the life of a community (even on the Internet) or an organization. It helps you feel needed not only for yourself and your family, but also

10. Cultivate a cheerful view of the world

Man has the right to his own way of life. And remember that each age has its own highlights and shadows.

11. Always look for the reasons for your success in yourself

Take credit for happiness and success. Share with other people that you are happy. As Albert Schweitzer, a German philosopher and Nobel Peace Prize winner, said: "Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when it is shared."

12. Allow yourself to laze within reasonable limits

Also enjoy what you like to do. Allow a few minutes a day to dream and "rocking in the clouds". Regularly engage in activities that allow you to distract yourself from everyday worries. Take care of small pleasures.

13. To be happy listen to yourself

Feel and express your emotions, but do it so that others don't feel guilty about it.

14. Compare yourself with people similar to you (living in a similar environment, with a similar past, similar age, etc.)

Unhappy people often compare themselves to someone special, unattainable, living in completely different conditions, and therefore experience a strong sense of inferiority.

15. Respect your body and take care of it

Eat he althy (eat lots of vegetables, fruits, grains, avoid fat), exercise regularly or take a lot of walks. Get enough sleepmyself. Man needs 7-8 hours of sleep a night. Do not smoke, use drugs or abuse drugs. Alcohol pij very moderately.

16. Dress neatly to make a good impression

Nice appearance evokes sympathy of other people and makes them show it. Sloppy appearance may be off-putting to others, and also exposes them to unfavorable reactions.


Problems with the psyche appear early

Ok. 30 percent Grade I lower secondary school students experience various symptoms of mental disorders. These problems get worse with age. These are the conclusions of the research carried out in 2002-2004 by the Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology in Warsaw. Over 1000 students participated in them.

Worse mental well-being goes hand in hand with a feeling of greater danger at school and a lower assessment of one's own academic performance. The number of children with depressive symptoms (8.8%) and suicidal thoughts (21%) is particularly worrying.

The results of the second study of the same group of students in grade III suggest that within 2 years the mental he alth of the examined youth deteriorated significantly. The percentage of students getting drunk has increased in particular (from 20% to 47%). The percentage of young people having serious problems after drinking alcohol has also increased - from 6 to 20 percent. The data are all the more worrying as young people have access to specialists - psychologists and school educators.

17. If you cannot help yourself in a certain situation, seek support from friends or professionals

People have been struggling with suffering forever, and many ways have been invented to deal with it. You don't know all of them, but others know them.

18. Don't let perfectionism take over you

Nobody's perfect. You don't have to do things perfectly. It is enough "well enough".

19. Do you want to be happy? Learn to get joy and satisfaction from the action itself

It is not worth repeating to yourself that happiness will come only after achieving your goal. Sometimes it's more important to move forward than to finish.

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