The growth complex is a problem that mostly affects men, but that doesn't mean women ignore the question of how much they measure. Many short people would like to be at least a few centimeters more, while very tall people often dream of not overcoming others. We cannot change our height, so it's best to like the centimeters that nature gave us.
Whether we are 187 or 148 cm is determined by genetic factors. Males are on average taller than females by approx. 14 cm. The average height of men in Poland increased from 165 cm in 1880 to 177 cm at the beginning of the 21st century. The tallest in the world are Montenegrins (183 cm on average), the Dutch, the Swedes and the Danes. And Filipinos and Vietnamese can be considered the lowest nations in the world - males are on average 161 cm there.
As early as in a 3-year-old you can estimate how tall he will be in adulthood
Short people are more likely to suffer from heart disease, but statistically they live longer, and are also at lower risk of cancer. The taller ones are more likely to be at risk of lung or prostate cancer. It's good to know that children are usually taller than their parents. Currently, men on average measure 3.5 cm more than their fathers, and women about 3 cm more than their mothers.
Adult height is related to the height a child reaches at 3 years of age. On the basis of these principles, several equations have been developed which, taking into account the parental height, chronological age, bone age and height of a person, make it possible to predict, with slight inaccuracies, the final height.
Ladies choose higher ones
Although tall people may experience discomfort in public transport or too tight apartments, it is difficult for them to choose the right clothes or shoes, but they are considered happier than those that are much shorter than them. And not only because they have a chance for a global career as a supermodel or NBA basketball player, and those who are stuck with centimeters of nature can only dream about it. In marriage advertisements, height is almost always listed as one of the first places. Women are much more likely to choose taller men as their partners. They, in turn, prefer shorter women, because then they can feel more confident and feel that they are in controlthe situation.
People with high growth are perceived as more self-confident, brilliant, we are much more influenced by them. On the other hand, the low ones are treated with less seriousness, not entirely seriously. This is even reflected in the language - "look down on someone", that is, disregard someone.
Growth complex
Psychologists have even coined the term "growth complex", which most often affects men who believe they are measuring too little. It can be seen that they often prefer the biggest cars possible, big dogs and tall women. They add inches to each other with raised heels and uniform colors of clothes. They want to be seen as people of action. They are ready to fight any rival, even an imaginary one. They often choose a typically male occupation such as a stuntman, detective or policeman to feel more masculine.
Small women (less than 160 cm tall) are said to be so filigree, to be hugged. Even if they are not satisfied with their height, they can look taller - shoes with high heels or sky-high wedges work wonders, and so is the hairstyle. Just look at Shakira, Salma Hayek or Kasia Cichopek: they like their small stature, and when necessary, they use feminine tricks to look slightly taller.
The tallest man according to the Guinness Book of Records was the American Robert Wadlow, who was 273 cm, while the shortest was the Nepalese Chandra Bahadur Dangi, who was only 56 cm.
Often those women who are taller than 180 cm choose shoes with flat heels and do their best to look at least a bit shorter. Research has confirmed that men, when asked about their height, very often say that they have more than they really are. Tom Cruise, Roman Polański or Nicolas Sarkozy are not tall, but their short stature did not prevent them from winning the hearts of high beauties. The group of men below 170 cm also includes Picasso, Pasteur, Einstein, Humprey Bogart and Al Pacino. Their achievements can only be envied!
Height matters!
The importance of growth is very evident in the world of politics. In the US presidential election, the taller candidate won each time. And in France, the leaders of short stature have been ruling for years. Sarkozy knew that he was unattractive in front of the lens, so he made sacrifices and often stood on his tiptoes for a long time during his speeches. Custom-made shoes with a very high heel and additionally increasing the position of the heels with an insole turned out to be helpful. His successor, François Hollande, does not use such tricks and pays dearly for it. The tabloid press oftenjokes about his inconspicuous height, and yet he is independent of him. High growth promotes a career - men in managerial positions are on average 3.3 cm taller than workers and farmers. Nevertheless, in the history of the world, there were many short men who had risen very high to the top of power: Nero, Bonaparte, Mussolini, Hitler. They were led by their above-average ambition, which was connected with the short stature complex.
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