The drop in mood can be caused by a lack of daylight as well as lack of air. When it is missing, we become sleepy, constantly tired, melancholy and seasonal depression. But there are ways to help you regain your energy and joy in life! Learn how to deal with fall despondency.

Drop of moodcatches up with us when the sun goes down in the early afternoon and dusk falls shortly after. In autumn and winter, you lose your energy day by day, you are still sleepy, you break out easily in anger and shed tears. You feel tired and unhappy. If this condition lasts more than two weeks, you can be sure that you have become another victim of seasonal depressed mood.

Seasonal depression - longing for the sun

The cause of seasonal depression is insufficient sunlight, which affects the functioning of the pineal gland. It is an endocrine gland in the brain that regulates a person's internal clock. The pineal gland producesmelatonin , the so-called sleep hormone. Its amount depends on how much light reaches the brain through the eye. When there is plenty of light, the pineal gland secretes less melatonin, and when light is low, the level of melatonin increases. Then we become more sleepy, apathetic, we feel like nothing, we close in on ourselves.
Less light also causes a decrease inserotoninproduced by the brain - responsible for a good mood. This also applies to children, who become more capricious, get out of bed with difficulty in the morning, fall asleep during lessons, and learn more reluctantly.

You must do it

Take advantage of phototherapy - it is an effective form of treatment of winter sorrows. In addition, it is safe and in the long run - the cheapest. The therapy can be conducted at home, because the appropriate lamps (eg Bright Light, Bioptron, Fotovita) are available in stores. It heals white light, full-spectrum, without ultraviolet and infrared, with an intensity of 2.5-10 thousand. lux (5 - 25 times stronger than the lighting in the room). The treatment lasts 14 days (every day for 30 minutes), but after a few sessions the sleepiness disappears, energy grows, and the will to live grows. To prevent the symptoms from returning, radiation is recommended, but less often - 2 or 3 times a week.

For seasonal depression - more light and oxygen

Seasonal depression passes with the onset of spring. Can nothowever, wait and endure its troublesome symptoms for several months. A bad state of mind has a negative effect on he alth (e.g. causes a decrease in immunity), not to mention complications at work, school or family life. You have to fight it, but most importantly, it's much better to prevent it. If you know it will get you, start countering it. What can you do? The best cure is phototherapy (see box) and exercise in the fresh air. Try to have a half-hour break in the middle of the day. Get out of the office for a walk and face the sun. Even on a cloudy day, its rays act as an anti-depressant cocktail. And on Saturday and Sunday, spend as much time outdoors as possible.

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