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I found that the new year is a good time to start taking care of your he alth. On the wave of January enthusiasm and New Year's energy, my friend and I bought a fitness club pass, the goal was to go to group classes at least twice a week. A month has passed and it turned out that in fact, instead of 8 outings to the club, I only scored 4 and I am considering giving up the membership card. However, I am a bit stupid, because my friend passed the entire January plan and, in addition, was gaining more motivation for further training. How is it that after a month I have enough, and it is so easy for her to implement New Year's resolutions?

New Year's resolutions are an interesting phenomenon in the context of setting and achieving goals. How is it that for some people it is easy to implement, and others forgo them quickly? It is actually a very complex topic. It is difficult to say what made my friend so involved in going to the fitness club. Perhaps the form of the class or the teacher is the key to persevering in the decision. Probably just going to sports activities is only a means to achieve a really important goal for her, e.g. staying he althy.

I would encourage you to ask your friend what makes her implement the plan. Her conclusions may be helpful. Before you give up your decision, I encourage you to take a look at the whole situation and answer a few questions. Why should I go to the club? Is physical exertion itself an end or just a means to achieve something more? Is this resolution really mine and I want to get fit or do I just know I should do it but I don't really feel it? However, if it turns out that you really want to stick to the decision, maybe it is worth considering changing the sports discipline, maybe dancing, yoga or martial arts will be something appropriate. It is important that new habits are adapted to our personality traits, if you are a person who values ​​peace, maybe instead of vigorously jumping to the rhythm of the music, choose yoga, or if you are a morning person rather than a night person, it will be easier to stick to your decision by going to morning classes. The success of New Year's resolutions will be significantly influenced by answers to the following questions: what do I need my New Year's resolution for?what is it supposed to serve? is it really mine This is just an introduction to determining and implementing the actual New Year's goal.

Remember that our expert's answer is informative and will not replace a visit to the doctor.

Patrycja Szeląg-JaroszPsychologist, coach, personal development trainer. She gained professional experience working in the field of psychological support, crisis intervention, professional activation and coaching.

He specializes in the area of ​​life coaching, supporting the client in improving the quality of life, strengthening self-esteem and active self-esteem, maintaining life balance and effectively dealing with the challenges of everyday life. She has been associated with non-governmental organizations in Warsaw since 2007, co-runs the Center for Personal Development and Psychological Services of the Compass

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