Frustration causes uncontrolled snacking or undefined worry. There is a sense of existential nonsense when there is too much frustration in our lives. However, their source may be various factors, e.g. personality tendencies, so several methods of treatment have been developed.
The most common cause of frustration is everyday problems. Credit, problems at work, quarrels in the family make stress exceed bearable limits and we fall into the trap of fixation. So it turns out that the most common cause of overeating is overexertion. Yes, eating can be a relief, but only temporarily. In such situations, we should take care to relieve ourselves.
What will help with frustration?
You can reduce stress by improving the atmosphere at home by learning how to deal with conflicts at work. You can find time for activities that you enjoy, give joy and that you like: hobbies, lazing, gardening or meeting friends.
Frustration-prone personality
It happens, however, that objectively we experience little stress. Nevertheless, we are constantly worried about something, we feel a vague fear or unjustified irritation. This is what happens if we have a frustration-producing personality, although there are no real reasons for it. If our psyche is constructed in this way, we will feel negative emotions even for no reason. In this case, a personality correction is needed. As a rule, it takes place during psychotherapeutic sessions, at personality development workshops.
Causes of frustration? Life failure
The cause of excessive frustration is also "existential suffering". Although life does not give us special reasons to worry, we suffer because some of our important needs are not met. A person may feel lonely and he wants to have someone close.
Sometimes we suffer because we do not develop our talents or because we feel that life is passing fruitlessly. If our frustrations arise from such deep, personal, unmet needs, then there is no other option than to pursue their fulfillment. This is risky of course, it may fail, but that's what maturation is all about.
Frustrations: develop or lead to stagnation?
This is why many psychologists areconvinced that frustration develops people. If we run away from this maturation, we only have fixations: eating, unnecessary watching TV and life stagnation.
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