The daily routine causes stress for most women. In the morning I rush to work. Then shopping, a quick lunch, because you still need to check your child's lessons and do the laundry … No wonder that we experience more stress than men. But we also deal with them better! How to deal with stress in everyday life?
The moststresscomplainwomenhighly qualified, in positions, and single mothers who have to reconcile work with childcare. They are constantly in a hurry, they are tense, nervous, and in addition they are more sensitive to interpersonal conflicts than men. If we add to this the states of premenstrual tension and then the symptoms of the menopause, it can be said that the woman is still under stress. Here are some proven tips that will help relieve tension and protect us from the harmful effects of stress.
How to deal with stress: do not accumulate anger
Get rid of it, for example, by regular physical exercise - at home or in the gym. Nothing makes you feel better than knowing that you are slim and physically fit. If someone doesn't like exercise then they should walk a lot. A march in the fresh air is an excellent way of relieving mental tension. This is due to the increase in our blood levels of endorphins, compounds that induce feelings of contentment and peace. After a walk or a dozen or so minutes of gymnastics, we come back to life relaxed and balanced. This is what people who can worry intelligently do.
How to deal with stress: just say no
Defend yourself against excess responsibilities at work and at home. Do not yield to requests or insistence. Distribute household chores among family members. Also say "no" to people who are undermining your self-confidence. Thanks to this you say "yes" to yourself.
How to deal with stress: a smart daily schedule
Make a sensible day plan, especially for children. Then you will be less nervous at work at the thought of: what are they doing there themselves?
How to deal with stress: rest when you are tired
Teach your family that you have the right to do so. Make yourself a nourishing face mask and a relaxing bath with aromatic oils. Lie down in herbal-scented water (no longer than 15 minutes) while listening to your favorite music. The bath will relax the muscles, it will worksoothingnerves .
How to deal with stress: meet friends
Despite the busy schedule, make time for it. Winter is a great time for social gatherings. Organize some girl's night out. If you all complain a little, it will be a really great group therapy. Or maybe one of your friends will help you with their advice?
How to deal with stress: think positive
Don't predict the worst. Psychologists say there is such a thing as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
How to deal with stress: don't worry about the opinion of others
Be "waterproof", when someone makes sniffing remarks to you, they want to tease you. Don't get into arguments on the street, on the bus or on the tram. Shrug your shoulders when some nervousness attacks you. And if a loved one at home or at work takes out their anger on you, don't let it spoil your day. Do not analyze his words, do not waste energy coming up with cut answers or fighting off attacks. Keep a straight face and just shrug your shoulders. You will have one less stress. I think it's worth it!
How to deal with stress: never give up
The worst thing is giving up action, inaction. Try to solve any problem, even if it seems like a hopeless situation. Seek advice and help from wise and kind people.
How to deal with stress: fulfill your desires sometimes
You please people you like. You bestow those you love because you want to please them. Give yourself a gift too. Buy yourself a gift or even a bouquet of flowers, make your favorite dish, go to the cinema or theater or just spend the whole afternoon wandering around the shops.
How to deal with stress: control your language
Hear what you say and how. Is your voice razor sharp? Do you often hold a grudge against people and point out their flaws? Is it easier for you to say something is terrible than great? If so, try to change the way you speak - it will have a positive effect on your psyche.
Check how to fight stress
How to deal with stress: use herbs
They are a proven remedy against blandness and stress, they soothe states of tension and neurosis. They help you concentrate and give you energy. The choice is huge, but you should pay attention to rosemary, ginger, licorice, lemon balm, St. John's wort, valerian and ginseng. You can brew teas or take them as drops or tablets.
How to deal with stress: eat well
Do not underestimate the effect of diet on improving your mood. When you feelvery vile, eat your favorite delicacy, even if it has too many calories. Remember about bananas and pineapples in your diet - they are high in serotonin, known as the good mood hormone. Drink blackcurrant juice (it delays brain aging) and drink anise or lemon balm teas to soothe and relax you.
You must do itRecognize the enemy
Regardless of our will and the source of stress, it causes specific physiological responses. The pupils dilate, the heart beats faster, you sweat or get goose bumps. But you can also react to stress with narrowed pupils and a slower heart rate. It depends on the functions of the nervous system that governs physical responses to stress. To find out if your stress is very severe, answer "yes" or "no" to the following questions. Whether in a difficult, important or stressful situation:
- Do you feel your heart racing?
- Do you have wet hands?
- Do you feel like a hoop is being tightened around your head?
- Do you have diarrhea?
- Are your hands or feet shaking?
- Your stomach is overflowing?
- No saliva in your mouth?
- Do you have a stiff or sore neck?
- Do you clench your fists or teeth?
If you answered yes to more than 4 questions, your stress level is very high. You have to get started. Apply at least some of our advice to your life and you will see that you will feel better.
How to deal with stress: enjoy the sun
Short winter days are conducive to bad moods and even depression. This is because there is not enough light to stimulate the production of energy-giving hormones (serotonin and cortisol). To prevent this from happening, go to the window frequently and expose your face to the light. On sunny winter days, be sure to go for a walk or at least some of the way to work on foot.
How to deal with stress: be careful with medications
Especially tranquilizers and anti-depressants. Take only those prescribed by your doctor. And if you feel that you are slowly getting addicted to them, ask him to help you find ways to stop them that are safe for your he alth. You need more vitamins - reach for preparations with vitamins and microelements. Some of them help to relieve stress. B vitamins support the functioning of the nervous and defense systems and prevent fatigue. Magnesium and calcium relieve muscle tension, strengthen the heart, and help concentrate. Zinc strengthens immunity, potassium helps in getting rid of headaches, tension and fatigue. Women who are menstruating heavily should have their iron levels checked. When there is not enough of it, you need to take appropriate preparations.
This is how stress works onYour body:

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