Do you think that the best is already behind you? It's not true. Now that you are a mature woman, the second and wonderful half of your life is about to begin. Maturity gives you what you could only dream of in the past.
The age increases each year, but reflection on this topic appears periodically. Then we stop and look back. The fiftieth birthday is such a moment. Realizing that it's downhill can be painful. The omnipresent cult of youth causes manymature women , who are at the peak of their abilities, to paralyze the belief that they are unattractive, old. They are afraid that they will lose their jobs and it will be difficult for them to find a new one. Raised children begin to become independent, start families, have their own affairs and do not require such loving care. There remains a void and a time that does not know what to fill.
A happy mature woman is an optimist curious about the world
But you can look at your life from a different perspective. If you look around you will see many women in their fifties having their best time. The well-established professional position allows them to implement interesting projects, constantly moving forward. Intelligent, ambitious, well-groomed, confident - now they achieve the most. Fulfilled in private and professional life, they live in harmony with themselves and the world, simply interesting. Such an attitude is commendable and worth imitating. According to psychologists, the key to success is to accept your age and understand the changes it brings. Some have to be accepted, others have to be de alt with. You can prepare yourself mentally for this. Because it's not that when we turn fifty, we suddenly find ourselves in a different fairy tale. In moments of frustration and doubt, it is worth remembering that you are as old as you feel.Optimismandserenitywill take away at least ten.
Are you a mature woman? Take care of yourself
There is much wisdom to say that every age has its own rights. Grown up children, a stable financial situation, fulfilled or at least professional ambitions adapted to the realities - you can finally take care of yourself. Sometimes you do not even realize how much you need a break, you are so used to the incessant running and permanent stress, whether it is chasingcareer, or combining professional work with running a home and raising children.
Fifty years is a good time to develop your interests, hobbies, do everything you didn't have time for before. If you like, go to the cinema, dreamed of studying - enroll in the university. Follow your dreams, it is never too late for that, so you must not give up anything because "at this age it is not appropriate". Learn languages, paint, dance, take part in marathons, visit Poland and the world. The worst thing you can do is lock yourself in four walls. Because for mental hygiene, it's better to leave the house and do anything else than sit in front of the TV. Expand the group of friends with whom you can gossip, go out for a coffee or go shopping. You can get involved in charity - a person who gives himself to others never feels unhappy.
Nothing gives you more inner ease and joy than grandchildren. This does not mean that you have to bear the full burden of educating them. In addition to the model of the Polish Grandma, who is completely devoted to children, it is worth promoting the model of the Young Grandma, an active woman.
Mature woman can be attractive
Believe that a woman who is fifty or older doesn't have to be less attractive. It is important to live in harmony with yourself, to feel good in your own skin. It is known that it is difficult for a 50-year-old to compete with a 30-year-old in terms of appearance. But is there such a need? Try to accept your age and the related changes in the body.
Hormonal turbulences translate into worse mental well-being. However, don't allow negative thinking ("I'm good for nothing") because you'll really believe it. In this way, you start to perceive the world as a reality in which - unnecessary to anyone - you have been sidelined. It is a fact that hot flashes, night sweats, trouble sleeping, irritability can take their toll, disrupt your professional and family life. But if you apply sensible therapy, your well-being will improve significantly and you will function normally.
According to an expertMonika Dreger, psychologist, Warsaw Psychological GroupInner harmony counts
It is hard to imagine how much havoc in a woman's psyche can be caused by the cult of youth. The contemporary ideal of beauty, created by young models, causes that mature women sometimes have problems with self-acceptance. This leads to depressive states, and becomes obsessed with smooth skin and a perfect figure. The case does not only concern people from the front pages of newspapers. Many women regularly smooth their skin with a laser or decide to undergo further surgeriesplastic. They think that if they turn twenty, iron out their wrinkles or treat them with silicone breasts, their marriage will not fall apart, their professional career will gain momentum. Such a procedure is always a considerable expense and a certain risk. In the first moment, it increases self-esteem, but in the long run it does not bring anything new to life. Because only the shell has been changed, and the interior has remained the same. Improving your beauty when you run out of balance is useless. You have to live in harmony with yourself, find a balance between work and private life. A person who cannot cope with it should seek the help of a psychologist to ensure a comfortable, stable life.
Time to debunk the stereotype
Men don't cheat on their wives because of their age, but because women lose interest in sex and care too little about themselves. With age, many women cease to pay attention to their appearance. A neglected hairstyle, a dress from a few seasons ago, any underwear are definitely the enemy of sex appeal. In a slightly fitted fashionable dress, a classic costume or well-cut jeans and slippers with heels, you will look stunning. Surprise your husband with a new hairstyle, makeup. But do not dress like your own daughter, because even with an impeccable figure you will look ridiculous. Simplicity and elegance are the directions you should follow when choosing your wardrobe.
Advantages of sex with a mature woman
Just because you aren't… ten, doesn't mean you're less sexy. For many women, ending their periods means freeing themselves from the need to use contraception and the fear of unwanted pregnancies. Then confidence in oneself and in the partner grows. And this has a positive effect on sexual activity, increases self-esteem and improves your attitude to the world. It cements the closeness, and in addition relaxes, rejuvenates and adds beauty. Sex over fifty - unrestrained and spontaneous - can be the most wonderful thing in the world. It is normal for us to stop throwing ourselves into Eros's arms as we used to over the years. Sex is not for routine, and learning new things is exciting. A silk T-shirt, an elongated foreplay, sensual perfume and a bit of madness will make the spell last forever.
A mature woman has many possibilities. He just has to believe in himself
Think if you really want to fight for another promotion, take part in the rat race? In pursuit of a career, it is easy to lose the meaning of life. Perhaps it is not worth such a sacrifice. Imagine you are eighty years old and you analyze your life. If it turns out that there is nothing in it except for work, that you spend too little timeYou can change it to your partner, yourself, so that in ten years the balance sheet will be favorable for you. Nowadays, many employers, guided by the fashion for youth, do not appreciate the knowledge and experience of people your age. They think that the twenty-year-old has a more open mind and brings freshness. Sometimes it is worth braking down, taking a certain distance from it, because you will not change your boss, and life in chronic tension will sooner or later affect your he alth. Losing a job is always associated with enormous stress, but it's not the end of the world. Although it is difficult for a 50-year-old to find a job that meets expectations and ambitions, it is important to be positive and to be open-minded. Read announcements, enter competitions. You can register your own company (today people running a business are more likely to be employed), complete the course. The main thing is to believe in your abilities. If you try to hide uncertainty with a smile during the recruitment process, the interlocutor will guess the truth anyway. A person with low self-esteem doesn't make a good impression. You have many advantages, so show your best side.
Maturity is a good time to switch roles
Our needs can change with age. That is why you cannot say to yourself once and for all, for example, "I bet on a career" or "I will not marry" and program yourself in this way for life. When we envy our friends in family life, a signal to reflect, maybe being single is not enough for us. No matter how old we are then, fifty or more. Even women who have been targeted at home may suffocate in it after a few years. And those for whom career was the most important - longing for family life. There is only one advice: instead of getting frustrated, you have to adapt your life to the current needs. Look for a job, find a husband, and volunteer to take care of the children. Dissatisfaction with life leads to addiction, it triggers envy, anger and aggression. A frustrated woman is a bad mother, an unattractive wife, a bad worker, and a terrible boss.
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