Łazanki is pasta in the shape of small squares or rhombuses. The most popular are łazanki with cabbage and mushrooms, e.g. mushrooms. In addition to noodles with cabbage (sauerkraut or fresh), noodles with meat are also popular. Some people serve noodles with white cabbage and sausage or noodles with bacon. Find out what nutritional values are noodles.
Łazankiis a pasta prepared from wheat flour and eggs, well known in Polish cuisine. The best known is therecipe for łazanki with cabbageand mushrooms, which are often found on Christmas Eve tables. The recipe forłazanki with meat- łazanki with white cabbage and sausage or bacon, as well as pork fat is also very popular. Łazanki can also be eaten sweet - with poppy seeds or cottage cheese. The pasta itself is also an ingredient of the festive mushroom soup.
- Łazanki with cabbage and mushrooms - recipe
- Łazanki - other recipes for łazanki
- What kind of noodles for noodles? Recipe for homemade łazanki noodles
- Are the łazanki he althy? Nutritional values of Łazanki
Łazanki with cabbage and mushrooms - recipe
Christmas Eve noodles with cabbage and mushrooms, recipe by Basia Ritz
To prepare pasta you will need:
- 400 g of flour type 650
- 3 eggs
- 75 ml of water
- pinch of s alt
To prepare the cabbage and mushroom stuffing, you will need:
- 0.5 kg of sauerkraut
- 2 handfuls of dried porcini mushrooms
- 250 ml vegetable stock
- 1 large onion
- s alt
- thyme
- freshly ground black pepper
- pinch of sugar
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
Mushrooms pour the stock, set aside for 15 minutes, then bring to a boil. Dice the onion into small cubes and sauté in olive oil. Chop the cabbage and add it to the onion. Add mushrooms and broth, season with s alt, pepper and a little sugar, add thyme leaves. Simmer until tender (approx. 45 minutes), stirring occasionally.
Sift the flour on a pastry board, make a recess, add the whole eggs, add s alt and water. Knead the dough to form a homogeneous, firm mass. Roll out the dough to a thickness of approx. 1 mm. If necessary, sprinkle lightly with flour. Leave on the pastry board to dry for 15-20minutes. Cut the dough into 2.5 x 2.5 cm squares (if the dough is too floured, place the noodles on a sieve and shake them a few times to let the flour settle out). Put on s alted boiling water with a little olive oil. Boil from re-boiling for 3 minutes. Strain. Stir in the cabbage and mushrooms
Łazanki with baked beetroot and arugula - recipe
Source: x-news.pl/Dzień Dobry TVN
Łazanki - other recipes for Łazanki
Łazanki with poppy seeds and dried fruits and nuts for Christmas Eve from a recipe by Ewa Wachowicz
To prepare pasta you will need:
- 3 eggs
- 1 ¾ cups of flour
- pinch of s alt
To prepare the poppy seed mass, you need:
- 30 dag maku
- glass of water
- glass of milk
- walnuts
- almonds
- raisins
- figi
- dried apricots
- 2 tablespoons of honey
- sugar
- vanilla sugar
- 2 tablespoons of butter
Use the flour, eggs and a pinch of s alt to make a pasta dough, then dry a little. Roll out the dough thinly and cut into squares with a side of about 1 cm. Boil the milk with water. Pour in the poppy seeds and let it brew well - about 15 minutes. Grind the brewed poppy seeds. Melt the butter in a frying pan. Pour in chopped nuts and almonds, lightly browned.
Throw in the remaining dried apricots: raisins, chopped dried apricots and figs. Add honey (2 tablespoons), vanilla sugar and ground poppy seeds. Alternatively, sweeten to taste. Boil the dumplings. After taking it out, pour melted butter over it. Add the prepared poppy seed mixture to the noodles. Mix everything together.
Recipes for homemade noodles from the early twentieth century from the book by E. Kiewnarska "Foods from groats and flour"
Łazanki with ham
After cooking, mix Łazanki from two or three eggs and forty decades of flour with twenty decades of sliced ham, one egg with raw material and half a glass of milk. Place on a metal platter, greased with butter or melted bacon. Sprinkle a bun on top, then drizzle with fat. Bake in the oven until golden brown. Serve in the same dish.
Łazanki with cream and cheese
Łazanki from forty decades of flour, cooked as above, mix with five decades of melted butter. Prepare a glass of good sour cream and twenty decades of grated dry cheese. It can be plain, cow cheese, slightly dried, or some sharp cheese: Lithuanian, Swiss, etc. - the last two are enough for ten decades. On a buttered platter, lay the noodles in rows, pouring over the cream andsprinkling with cheese. Sprinkle the last row of noodles with a roll with cheese, sprinkle with butter and put into the oven for a good browning. Serve in the same dish.
Łazanki with mushrooms
Prepare and cook the Lazanki as usual. A kilo of any mushrooms (preferably buttermilk or marshmallows), carefully cleaned, fry in butter with the addition of the onion. Take about ten decades of butter and fry the mushrooms until golden brown. Put the noodles and mushrooms in rows on a buttered platter, sprinkle the last row of noodles with a hot cheese roll, sprinkle with butter and bake everything in an oven until golden brown. Of course, you can use real mushrooms or mushrooms for this dish, but all modest mushrooms, as long as they are young and fresh, will taste great in it.
Worth knowingSome dishes are so deeply rooted in Polish cuisine that we do not think about their origins.Łazankiare not, however, a native Polish dish. The history of Łazanki goes back to the 16th century, when the wife of Zygmunt I Stary, Bona Sforz, who came from Italy, came to Poland.
Queen Bona was not delighted with Polish cuisine, which was too heavy, fat and low in vegetables for her. She brought her chefs to the court, and with them new vegetables and pasta. The present day łazanki is a variation of the Italian pasta "lasagne" - thin rectangular petals measuring 10x5 cm. The similarity of the names is noticeable at first glance. There is also the term "lasagnette" or small "lasagne", which is sometimes translated into Polish as łazanki.
Until the end of the 19th century, łazanki was prepared differently than today. Instead of mixing the pasta with the remaining ingredients of the dish, layers of pasta were layered with the layers of stuffing and baked. So they were prepared just like "lasagne", but using stuffing ingredients other than those in Italy.
What kind of noodles for noodles? Recipe for homemade łazanki noodles
Łazanki differ from other home-made pasta only in shape. They are made of flour and eggs, possibly with the addition of a little water and a little s alt. Use one egg for ¾ glass of type 500 wheat flour. Knead the dough well, roll it out into a thin cake. Put it on a cloth to dry (about 30 minutes). Cut crosswise into strips about 1 cm wide. Cut the strips crosswise again into diamonds. Boil in s alted water, after 3 minutes. Drain, pour cold water, drain again.
The preparation of home-made pasta requires a lot of work, but its taste is incomparable to that of grocery stores. This is noted, among others, by Elżbieta Kiewnarska in her book, published in 1931, "Dishes from groats and flour", withwhich we will know a proven recipe for homemade pasta.
Worth knowing"Pasta of the domestic (factory) product has not reached the perfection of its prototype - Italian pasta. People with a more refined taste, with a more refined taste, always feel a certain aftertaste of glue in it, and at the same time it overcooks too quickly, it flabby.
This does not mean that I urge you to buy foreign products, on the contrary, we should handle domestic goods as much as possible and possible. When it comes to pasta, it is easier because we have excellent wheat flour, eggs are always fresh, and s alt and water - the only additives - are used in such a small amount that it is impossible to calculate them for money.
We should only use home-made pasta, kneaded on whole eggs with a little water (as much as the eggs weigh), and we will get a first-class product that will not fail the best Italian products; for a little bit of work it will be even slightly cheaper than the cheapest factory product. The dough should be kneaded so hard that it is only possible to roll and until after cutting it is completely uniform, without pores and air bubbles. Roll them out as thinly as possible, dry them in sheets.
When it dries well, wipe each such sheet with dry flour, then cut it into strips or roll it into a roll and shred with a sharp knife into strips of any width. There are now "Jupiter" meat mincers which have a device for kneading various shapes of pasta; However, they are quite expensive, and flat pasta, or with a hole in the middle, tastes completely the same. After cutting the pasta, rarely sprinkle the pasta on the table and dry it thoroughly again. It can then be stored, as if bought, in glass jars or paper bags (in clay and wooden vessels it acquires moisture and a musty smell). For reasons of economy, it is better to make more pasta right now. "
Are the łazanki he althy? Nutritional values of Łazanki
Additions to Łazanki can be treated as he althy, just don't overdo it with the amount of bacon or lard.
Łazankiare not light and he althy dishes. Their base is white wheat flour, which has a high glycemic index, causes rapid and large spikes in blood glucose levels and insulin bursts after a meal. This promotes weight gain and the development of carbohydrate problems that can lead to insulin resistance and even diabetes. Purified white flour does not provide significant amounts of vitamins and minerals, so it is close to what is known as empty calories.
Important100 gdry noodles (a glass) provide 336 kcal and these are calories mainly from carbohydrates. This amount contains 69.9 g of carbohydrates, 13.5 g of protein and 0.3 g of fat. When cooking, pasta increases its volume by about 2 times. 100 g of cooked noodles are 153 kcal, 31.8 g of carbohydrates, 6.1 g of protein and 0.1 g of fat. The caloric content of Christmas Eve noodles with cabbage and mushrooms depends on the proportion of pasta to vegetables. The more cabbage in a serving, the he althier and less caloric it is. Łazanki can also be prepared in a slightly he althier version using wholemeal rye flour.
- http: //culture.pl/pl/dzielo/lazanki
- Szemberska A., Selected new Italianisms in contemporary Polish, Linguistic Quarterly, 2011, 3 (7), 46-65
- Kiewnarska E., Dishes of groats and flour, Warsaw, 1931 (pp. 13, 16, 17); https://polona.pl/item/potrawy-z-kasz-i-maki,NjUxNzQyMjc/
- http: //www.mowiawieki.pl/index.php? Page=article & id=259
- http: //www.familie.pl/przepis/267/Makaron-domowy-lazanki
- http: //www.ilewazy.pl/szklanka-makaronu-lazanki
- http: //www.ilewazy.pl/szklanka-ugotanego-makaronu-lazanki
- http: //beszamel.se.pl/dania-wigilijne/lazanki-z-makiem-na-wigilie-przepis-ewy-wachowicz,2577/
- http: //www.se.pl/rozrywka/gw Gwiazd/basia-ritz-zdradza-przepis-na-wigilijna-potrawe-moje-lazanki-z-kapusta-i-grzybami_297975.html