Do he like it or is he bored with you? Get to know a man's body language so that you can read the signals he sends. Remember that during a date, gestures speak more than lips, so no movement or expression of his face should escape your attention. Here are the 10 most common male dating behaviors that are important to know.
Sight goes from eye to mouth
A long, insightful look into the eyes, then a look down at the nose and mouth. This typical male dating behavior reveals that the male has a strong crush on you and seeks physical contact. You can be sure that at this point he is not interested in what you are saying and that he hears you rather than listens to you, and that his thoughts are rather focused on what is going to happen next, which is a passionate kiss.
She sits facing you and straightens her back
If a man has been sitting sideways or slightly torso turned towards you so far, and after a while he sits down in front of you and straightens his back, it means that he is more and more interested in you. Changing your position shows your desire to get to know you better. It does not necessarily mean a love relationship - for now the man is trying to "feel the ground" and establish friendly relations with you. Is there any chance of something more coming out of this? It's not known, but his body language means you're definitely on the right track.
Brush the hair from your face with her fingers
This affectionate, romantic gesture means the man is looking for an excuse to establish closer physical contact. When it is accompanied by a kind smile, you can be sure that he cares about you and is waiting for you to let him take care of you. However, if his face shows a grimace of dissatisfaction or condescendingly treats you, it may mean that he has a need for a perfect woman, 100% of his correspondence. It is possible that in the future he will try to impose his will on you.
Swinging on the chair
The constant rocking back and forth reveals that the man feels slightly stressed and insecure. In this way, he wants to relieve the tension accompanying the contact with the opposite sex. Experts onbody languagesuggest that this behavior is dictated by a subconscious desire to return to the mother's arms, where they once felt safe. Rocking the bodyimitates the rocking of the baby to sleep. Be understanding with him at this point and try to lighten the atmosphere with heartfelt smiles and a warm tone of voice. Then look at the positioning of his feet - if they are resting on his toes, it means joy and contentment.
Pushes her hair back
If a male is brushing his lush hair with his fingers and smiles gently at the same time, it means that he is doing a kind of "mating courtship". Like a bird stroking feathers in front of a female, it expects you to pay attention to its physical attractiveness. Such a gesture is typical for men who are aware of their charm and usually pay a lot of attention to their external appearance. If, on the other hand, the partner is brushing his hair back without meeting your eyes, without a beaming smile, he is unsure of his appearance and what you think about him. With this gesture, he asks you for a hint if he has any chances. If so, signal it with a compliment and a warm smile.
Sits with legs wide apart
The wide position of the legs in a man shows exuberant self-confidence and high awareness of his sexual potential. By exposing your perineum, your partner wants you to judge him primarily in terms of his physical qualities, which he considers to be his strongest point. Sex plays an important role for him in his relationship with a woman, which is why he will not beat around the bush on a date. You can expect him to try to get you to bed this evening.
She places her fingers on the chin or strokes her cheek
When a man rests his fingers on his chin during a conversation, he is really listening. You apparently intrigued him with your brilliance and eloquence. Keep it up! These types of guys pay attention to what's in your head first of all and value intelligent conversation. It is not trying to put pressure on you, but is trying to be your partner and advisor. If he starts to stroke his cheek with his hand, it means that he would like to touch you tenderly, but he does not know if it will offend you. These men are naturally devoted, romantic, and caring, and a bit shy at the same time.
He puts his hand on the table
Placing an open hand on the table means asking, "Can I touch you?" This gesture usually occurs during a long conversation when both of you, deep down, are tempted to move into physical contact, but neither of you dare to take the first step. Reaching out to see if you are ready for it.
She puts her hand on yours or yours on hers
Touching your hand, she asks if she can get close to you, also emotionally. How it grabs you byhand, betrays his attitude. If he puts your hand on his, he would prefer you to take the initiative, if he covers yours with his hand - he signals that he is in control of the situation and wants to take control of what is about to happen.
Kisses you goodbye … on the forehead
To the forehead, not to the mouth as you probably expected. This paternal gesture may mean that he does not dare, or thinks it is too early to kiss you on the lips, or, unfortunately more often, he is charmed by you, but he would rather care for you as a sister rather than have a love relationship. .