Are you a woman? This is the text for you! Here are some important truths about your partner …
1. Is friendship possible between a man and a woman?
Yes, although many scientists believe it is always sexual. For any relationship to arise between people, there must be mutual attraction. It is natural that there may be sexual attraction between a man and a woman. Of course, it is sometimes possible to suppress it. But it also happens that friendship turns into love after many years. The friendship between a woman and a homosexual man has a completely different dimension. Today, such reports are very common. Homosexuals are considered to be more sensitive and "receiving on the same wavelength" as women, and at the same time, in such an arrangement, he and he are not sexually attractive to each other because of their orientation. Such an acquaintance can result in lasting friendship.
2. Do men love like women?
No, because male sexuality is different than female sexuality. She needs adoration, support, warmth and closeness. He is a conqueror focused mainly on the physical attractiveness of a woman (visual stimuli are the most important thing). It is a matter of hormones, not culture. Better to accept it. Although there are men who can show affection and need closeness, just like women.
3. What do men need work for?
To occupy a certain (preferably high) social position and earn (preferably large) money, which is an attribute of power. Thanks to work, a man not only fulfills his ambitions, but also gives him opportunities to win a woman. Most of the ladies instinctively look for a partner who can provide for their family. We inherited these behaviors from our ancestors. An unemployed man feels bad about himself and has a low self-esteem. These frustrations can breed a reluctance to have sex, even impotence and aggression.
4. Does a guy need spirituality too?
In permanent relationships, she needs her as much as a woman. On the other hand, in fleeting people, the purpose of which is mainly sex (this is the male nature - to spread your sperm so that its genes survive), there is no place for romance, confession or love. Most women need spirituality in any relationship.
5. Is his "I love you" as important as a woman's confession?
It happens in different ways. There are gentlemen who are generally unemotional, so when they finally say these words, they are of great value. Othersthey use a confession like a key to win over a woman because they know she wants to hear it. So it is a kind of a scam. And some confuse sexual attraction for love, and say so to every woman and in every situation. But very often at this point they really believe it.
6. Why doesn't he want to get married?
That's not true! Polish men want to get married! If they run away from the altar, it may indicate emotional immaturity, fear of responsibility or fear of submitting to a woman. But such behavior nowadays also applies to women who want to remain independent as long as possible.
7. What to do to make a man listen to his partner and talk to her?
Listen carefully and talk, talk … But don't chatter! The man likes specifics, hates "beating around the bush" (he turns off and gets nothing of what you say). Also, do not be under the illusion that he will figure something out himself. You have to tell him directly what you want. If you are tired and do not have the strength to wash the dishes, ask him to do so, but don't make a fuss about "it's all on your head".
8. Is it true that a man still thinks about sex?
He thinks much more about it than a woman, but mostly for our feminine cause. He is a visual person - you just need to brush your hair in a specific way or smooth a skirt and it will act like a sexual stimulus. A woman who knows her partner well can intuitively sense that he is thinking about sex at that moment. And there is nothing wrong with these thoughts.
9. Why is he not showing affection?
The generation of today's 30-year-olds no longer has any inhibitions in this matter. However, the 40- and 50-year-olds were raised in a different, harder way. A boy who has heard repeatedly "Don't cry, you are a man" will have difficulty showing affection in his adult life.
10. For the conqueror, sexual conquest is important. Why?
The contemporary casanova, on closer acquaintance, often turns out to be a man with low self-esteem or emotionally immature. By winning more women, he confirms himself in the belief that he is truly masculine.
11. Why is he strongly affected by his partner's betrayal and forgives his own easily?
If a man is betrayed himself, it feels like a blow to pride and masculinity. This is his ancestral heritage. The goal of the primitive man was to fertilize as many women as possible so that his genes would survive and he would not have to deal with offspring. But if someone impregnated his woman, it was his responsibility to look after other children.
12. Whya man's best friend is the TV?
Luckily not everyone. After work, the man sits in the armchair and mindlessly watches the pictures in the newspaper or TV. Ignore you? Not. He came back tired and needs time to turn from this reel, where he had to prove how masculine and strong he is, to gradually go home. Some gentlemen take an hour or two to slowly come back to reality, like a diver emerging from the depths.
13. A woman is best understood by a woman. Wouldn't it be better for them to live together and the men to live separately?
Nothing would change that. We are doomed to each other. Men would try to sneak into the women's enclave to impregnate them anyway. So it's better to try to get along - all conflicts can be resolved.
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