Recently, our everyday life is constantly changing. Some of us gained extra hours during the day, and family members, whom we often only saw in flight at afternoon meals, are now closer, more frequent, and more intense. And while there is a balance between individual and shared activities, it is worth taking advantage of this opportunity and the extra time to strengthen our bond and just breathe a bit.

Where there is a free moment, a few close people and the need to find a common activity, come to the rescue … board games!
Value added
Board games, like books, can tell extraordinary stories that are able to distract us from the gray reality for hours and take us to a completely different world. With the "Get on the train" series, we can play the role of railroad precursors and travel the length and breadth of Europe, the United States or Africa, expanding the transport network and creating new connections between cities. In Everdell, on the other hand, we visit forest settlements inhabited by various species of animals. As leaders of civilization, we will need to manage the opportunities and resources available to us wisely.
Dixit can also take us to a different world - an extraordinary game of imagination that stimulates our creativity to act. It is a verbal game based on associations to colorful, ambiguous cards. The illustrations themselves put the participants in a unique mood.

Vigor of mind
There has been a lot of talk lately about home exercises to give our body the necessary amount of movement, but what about the mind? After all, he, too, needs the right incentives to constantly develop! We can, of course, solve crosswords or watch popular science programs, but games have an advantage over them - they are a group activity, and interaction with other people has additional social benefits.
Dynamic card gamesnever go out of style - they allow us to practice reflexes, perceptiveness and remembering. In addition, their rules are simple, and the games usually last from 5 to 30 minutes, so no excuses apply when we propose the participation of any of the household members. The theme and the way of play can be chosen entirely to our liking.
If we are fans of simple solutions, zwe will definitely likeJungle Speed , in which we have to carefully observe the symbols appearing on the table. Our task is to spot the pair and grab the totem in the middle of the table as quickly as possible. And if the perceptiveness training itself is not enough, let's try the gameCortex , in which we also have to react quickly, but the tasks to be performed are much more varied: from mazes and puzzles, through memorabilia, to cards with an invoice that we will recognize by touch.

Laughter is he alth
Finally, the most important aspect of games - having fun together, which has a truly therapeutic power. Nothing brings us closer to another person as perfectly as laughter, which supports the building of positive memories and also effectively reduces our stress level. There is a reason why humor is cited as one of the most appreciated human traits!
If you just want to have fun to the accompaniment of bursts of laughter, pay attention to word and movement games - ones that will generate a lot of funny mistakes.Jumping eggs- our task will be to perform certain activities with plastic eggs in various bends of the body. In addition, according to users, dancing a chicken dance effectively drives away all sorrows.

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