How to take care of memory? If the brain remembers ten new pieces of information every second throughout its life, a person would not use even a third of its capacity. However, this does not mean that memory is not worth caring for! Check how to do it!
How to take care of memory , which is one of the most secretive and dark faculties of our brain? The memory of one person can accumulate and store billions of impressions and billions of information. Even what is seemingly irrelevant to our eyes goes to the brain anyway. Thanks to this, even after a dozen or so years, we are able to recall the taste of a dessert that we were fond of in our childhood.
How to take care of memory: memory functions
Memory is used for remembering, storing and recreating. The first occurs under the influence of some kind of association, the second involves the retention of remembered information in the nervous system. The third and the most complicated one works by typing a password into an internet search engine. Some people only remember certain information for a while after remembering it. Others remember for a long time, and sometimes for the rest of their lives. There are also people with an extremely rare photographic memory, thanks to which they are able to accurately reproduce the patterns of one hundred spots randomly thrown on a white sheet of paper.
How to care for memory: memory development
Develops in utero and reaches maturity at the age of 15-16. A few years ago, doctors at the Aging Center at the University of California, Los Angeles, announced that the brain is aging at the age of 20-30.
- The only thing you can do to prevent this from happening is to train your mind. The body takes many years to age, but the aging of the brain begins very early, says Gary Small, research leader. While the aging process of the brain can speed up an innate gene, in most cases an unhe althy lifestyle is the cause of aging minds.
According to an expertIrena Rej, president of the "Farmacja Polska" Chamber of CommerceMemory studies both medicine and psychology. It was divided into permanent and fresh and it was determined which centers in the brain are responsible for it, but many questions still remain unanswered. In NLP, my field of knowledge, it is believed that our unconscious mind remembers all the events of life, saving them like data on a computer's hard drive.
And this is our memory - slightly distorted by perceptual filters - emotional state, attention, beliefs about reality. All this means that each of us has slightly different experiences saved on our "memory disk", despite the fact that we live in a common reality. If we want to remember certain things more accurately, let's involve as many sensory experiences as possible - let's watch, touch, repeat the words in our thoughts. It's also good to just take care of your state of mind - that is, get enough sleep, take care of your diet and a good mood.
How to take care of your memory: avoid alcohol and eat he althy
Gary Small, in his book "The Memory Bible", described the ten commandments that prolong the youth of the human brain. In his opinion, it is impossible to preserve memory until old age without exercising it, acquiring various skills, minimizing stress and a he althy lifestyle.
- Mentally active people in their 40s or 50s are much less likely to develop memory problems. Therefore, in addition to everyday activities, it is worth solving crosswords, reading, learning foreign languages and composing puzzles - adds Small. - And keep alcohol to a minimum. Systematic drinking destroys as many as a thousand nerve cells. However, memory likes a low-fat diet and food rich in omega-3 fatty acids - i.e. fish, avocados and walnuts.
The theory of Small is confirmed by prof. Bill Brinkley of Harvard University. - The mind can easily be compared to the body. Because both weaken and age if not systematically subjected to gymnastics.
How to take care of your memory: don't neglect your sleep
Memory can be stimulated in many different ways. Scientists agree that the best way to preserve memory is to get enough daily sleep. It is during this time that information from the whole day is best absorbed.

Particular care was taken in ancient Greece. The goddess of memory - Mnemozyna was an oracle for the Greeks. In nine days, out of her and Zeus' love, nine Muses were born - love poetry, epic poetry, music, dance, comedy, tragedy, hymns, history and astronomy.
The cult of the human mind was so great in ancient Greece that the name of the goddess was used by contemporaries to create the term mnemonic, i.e. a collection of memory techniques. They were used by members of the ancient Council of Elders and senators. They knew very well how to impress the crowd and make their every word remembered. They were the first to discover two basic guiding principlesmemory - imagination and a game of associations.
How to take care of your memory: be up to date
The ability to remember also greatly improves the contact with the so-called news. According to research carried out in London, the human mind reacts much more vividly to new information than to old. New stimuli stimulate the production of dopamine and thus support memory. The conclusion is that not only young people are able to quickly assimilate knowledge. Exercising your brain doesn't have to be all about continuous learning. Reading, traveling and making new friends also broaden the horizons and thus stimulate remembering. Regardless of age.