If you forget about your spine and its basic needs, back pain will quickly remind you of it. And yet, contrary to appearances, your spine is not that demanding. All you need to do is implement he althy habits of maintaining the correct figure while performing various activities - you will feel relief immediately and, importantly, you will avoid posture defects

Do you experienceback pain ? First, take a look at your habits. When you sit, work, watch TV or sleep. Then change bad habits as soon as possible. You sit in a soft armchair in front of the TV or bend yourspineinto a headband as you pore over a book or with your laptop on your lap. You stand, you walk as you feel comfortable. You carry bags over your shoulder, you lift weights, you lean too much over your kitchen counter or ironing board because they are too low for you. You are completely oblivious to how you perform your daily activities. The result is that the spine is overloaded, which results in pain and leads to curvature of the spine and posture defects . Check what mistakes you make and avoid them in everyday life.

Carrying the bag

It's best to replace it with a backpack. If you can't part with the shoulder bag, hang it diagonally over you. Carry your shopping nets in both hands to keep both sides of your body evenly loaded.


Crouch first, grab the package with both hands and, keeping as close to you as possible, slowly get up as you straighten your legs. Keep your back straight all the time. Avoid lifting loads with your legs straight and your torso twisted. When carrying heavy items, hold them as close to you as possible in both hands.

Silhouette while watching TV

The armchair should be tall with a slightly tilted backrest and a contoured lumbar support, deep seat and handrails. Sit deeply, rest your back and neck against the backrest. If the armchair does not have a contoured backrest, place a small longitudinal pillow or roller around the loins. Place your feet parallel on the floor and keep your thighs slightly apart (do not bring your knees together). You can also rest your feet on a stool (footrest). The knees should be slightly higher than the hips. This reduces pressure on the posterior onesparts of the thighs while sitting. When sitting on the couch or armchair, do not stretch your legs in front of you or cross your legs, because it forces an unnatural position of the spine.

Silhouette while walking

The head should be centered, the lines connecting the shoulders and hips parallel to each other, and the neck straight. Pull your stomach in slightly and pull your shoulder blades together, but do not raise your shoulders, let your arms drop freely, and push your chest forward. Bring your chin slightly towards your neck, look straight ahead, not at your feet. Walk with a springy step, placing your feet softly (do not shuffle your soles or hit the ground with your heels).

Silhouette while reading

Lie on your back, put a not too high pillow or roller under your head - your neck should be parallel to the ground. Remember that the semi-sitting position puts the muscles of the lumbar and cervical spine into tension. Rest your legs bent at a right angle on the pillows or a rolled blanket (lying flat with straight legs increases the tension in the back and lumbar muscles). You can also lie down on the carpet with a small pillow under your head and rest your legs bent at the knees.

Silhouette while driving a car

Adjust the seat so that your knees are slightly bent and your thighs are horizontal to the ground. If the armchair does not have a properly contoured backrest, place a special pillow at the level of the loins, which will support the spine and absorb shocks (you can buy it in a rehabilitation equipment store). Rest your head against the headrest - it protects against cervical spine injuries.

Silhouette while pushing a shopping cart

The back must be straightened, stomach tucked in, buttocks taut. Don't bend over! Bend your arms at the elbows so that the stroller is as close to you as possible. Pushing the stroller with straightened hands overloads the loins.

Beneficial sleep positions for the spine

The mattress should be even, medium hard, slightly bend under the weight, adjusting to the shape of the body, placed on a hard frame. The pillow is not too high and small, reaching to the shoulder line. You can buy yourself a correction cushion that is contoured to support the cervical spine. The best position to sleep in is the fetal position, that is, on the side with curled legs. You can also sleep on your side with one leg bent at the knee and the other leg extended, or on your back with your legs bent at the knees.

Getting out of bed

First bend your knees, then turn to the side. Support yourself with your hands and lower your legs to the floor. It is forbidden to jump out of bed with straight legs!

Silhouette while vacuuming

Adjust tube length fromthe vacuum cleaner to your height so as not to bend over. Keep your back straight while vacuuming. When vacuuming under low furniture, kneel on one knee without tilting your torso forward or bending your back.

Silhouette while cleaning the floor

Do not bend down, kneel and support yourself with your hands. Try to keep your knees and hips bent at right angles. Make sure that your back is parallel to the floor while working. Do not sit on your heels, because then you are bending your spine into a headband, and at the same time you are putting pressure on the arteries and the blood flow in the legs is obstructed.

Silhouette while ironing

It is best to iron while sitting. Place the plank at such a height that moving the iron over the fabric requires as little effort as possible. If you prefer to stand, the board should be at waist level, then you will not bend over it too much while ironing. When standing, always shift your weight from one leg to the other, or alternately place your legs on a footrest or a small stool.

Putting on shoes

Kneel on one knee or squat, your back is to be straight. Never bend over with straight legs.

Computer work

The correct position is ensured by an ergonomic chair with adjustable height, a slightly curved backrest at the lumbar level and a slightly concave backrest at the level of the thoracic spine, and adjustable side elbow supports, as well as a desk with a rectangular or square top. Both pieces of furniture must be positioned according to your height. The seat should be medium hard and have a slightly rounded edge. You can also sit on a rehabilitation rubber cushion filled with air. Sit deeply (not on the edge), resting your back against the contoured backrest, preferably reaching the height of your shoulder blades.When the chair is pushed forward, your feet must rest comfortably on the floor, your legs are bent at right angles at the hips and knees, and both arms are at the elbow. rest on the countertop. Remember that the seat must not put any pressure on your thighs. Correct position prevents leaning sideways. Position the monitor perfectly in front of your face, at eye level. Looking up, down, or to the side for long periods of time puts strain on the muscles of the neck, shoulders and back.

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