Neoplasms can develop in latency for years, the first symptoms of cancer are sometimes visible only after 10 years. Prophylactic examinations allow for early detection of a neoplastic disease and greater chances of a cure. What preventive examinations should women and men undergo regularly?

You have to watch your body. Examine them with your hands, watch them, so as not to give the neoplasms a chance, and performpreventive examinations .Tumorsare extremely tricky diseases. Some of them take decades to develop without letting them know at all. But we can outsmart them too, using modern diagnostic methods. If your family history indicates that you are at increased risk, for example, because the same cancer has appeared in several generations and developed at least in one case before the age of 50 - go to a genetic clinic. However, you cannot count on this to protect yourself against disease. Remember, however, that thanks tocheckupsit will be detected early enough that it will be possible to recover completely.

Research - the best cancer prevention

Examine yourself and re-examine yourself. And there is neither exaggeration nor excessive caution in it. Cancer attacks with increasing force. Cancer that once only existed in men is now also affecting women. Therefore, in order to stay he althy, regardless of age, we should test ourselves.

after 18learn breast self-examination - do it once a month after the end of menstruation, visit your gynecologist once a year, ask for a cytology during the visit, which allows you to recognize most precancerous conditionsdue to the risk of testicular cancer, you should periodically check your testicles, see them, and after noticing the slightest changes, immediately see a doctor
after 30perform a cytology and routine gynecological examination once a year, and a self-examination of the breasts after menstruation, an ultrasound once a year and, if necessary, a mammogram; this is especially true of those women whose mothers, grandmothers or sisters suffered from breast cancer; a good mammogram should notcalm down completely, not all neoplastic changes are visible on the x-ray of the breast, therefore you should see a doctor with the result.Examine the testicles yourself every six months
after 40if you have no genetic burden, have a mammogram and breast ultrasound once a year or every two years, and every month, after menstruation, check your breasts (ladies with hereditary baggage of breast ultrasound do mammography); do a cytology once a year, if you are hereditary with cervical cancer, you must regularly (once a year) also perform ultrasound of the reproductive organs to protect yourself against ovarian and endometrial cancer, which this age group is particularly exposed to; it is not profitable to skip research, because ovarian cancer develops without any symptoms, sometimes, to protect the woman from cancer, surgical removal of the ovaries and hormone replacement therapy are proposed in the menopausal period; a chest X-ray should be done once a year.check the testicles, get a chest X-ray once a year, especially if you smoke, and check the prostate
after 50you examine your breasts every month, once a year you do mammography, breast ultrasound, gynecological examination, cytology and colonoscopy, i.e. examination of the large intestine; the test can be performed free of charge in oncology centers.every two years (more often in case of symptoms) do a rectal examination of the prostate to check for any changes; if they appear, visit a urologist and make an ultrasound of this gland and determine the level of PSA; simply testing the prostate antigen is not enough, as some prostate tumors develop with normal PSA levels; it is also necessary to test the testicles, chest X-ray and colonoscopy
after 60remember about monthly breast examination, visit a gynecologist once a year, have a cytology, mamammography and breast ultrasound donecheck the testicles yourself, do a rectal prostate examination every six months, visit a urologist once a year and check for PSA markers

Cancer incidence is growing rapidly. Only half of Poles perform diagnostic tests for cancer


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