In Poland, almost every fifty person suffers from cataracts (cataracts). However, most people in the early stages of the disease ignore its symptoms.

Cataractalso called otherwisecataractis one of the most commoneye diseases . It is a clouding of part or all of the eye lens, which leads to a loss of its clarity. As a consequence, it causes reduced vision and even complete loss of vision. Worldwide, about 27 million people of all ages are affected by this problem. It is estimated that in Poland he suffers fromcataractaround 800,000. people. Elderly people are particularly exposed to its development. It mainly affects people in their sixties, diabetics, using steroids, suffering from galactosemia (in this particular case, however, after applying an appropriate diet, changes may be withdrawn), with diseases of the digestive system, after tetany. Professionals such as a radiologist, electrician or steelworker are also at risk. Patients initially experience only visual discomfort resulting from slight blurring of the image, reduced contrast and deterioration in color vision. And that's why most people downplay the problem. With time, however, cataracts progress, causing a loss of the ability to recognize shapes and, as a result, the patient can only see very bright light or lose his eyesight completely. For such a person it means full dependence on others.