Even for a short trip abroad, it is worth taking out insurance. It costs little and, if necessary, will save you from enormous medical costs. And if you are planning an exotic trip, protect yourself from tropical diseases.

Onon vacationyou may get a toothache, step on a sea urchin, lose your luggage, poison yourself in the hotel restaurant. Better not to risk and not expose yourself tocosts .

Group trip - if you are going on an organized trip

If you are going on an organized trip and you have an insurance policypurchased by a travel agency , check the amount of the insurance. Usually, travel agencies buy the cheapest policy, its scope is small, so the sum insured may not be enough to cover the costs of treatment. So let's have some doubts.

Individual trip

In the case of a self-organized trip abroad, you have to insure yourself. The best package is: accident insurance, medical expenses, third party liability insurance, luggage insurance, and even sports equipment and the animal we travel with. Before signing the contract, it is necessary to carefully read what exactly the insurer undertakes to pay compensation for. The list of exemptions is important as it deprives you of the right to reimbursement, there is always a clause stating that no compensation will be paid if the insured has been under the influence of alcohol. Also pay attention to the description of the rules of conduct in the event of a random event covered by the insurance.

Insurance - how much do you have to pay

To calculate this, it's best to use an online insurance calculator. The time of departure, place and sums insured should be provided. For example, for a 10-day trip to one of the European countries, with insurance for 300,000 PLN, NW
per 50 thousand. PLN, things for 15 thousand. and luggage for 3 thousand. the cheapest insurance will be PLN 56, in the most expensive company - twice as much.

European He alth Insurance Card

When traveling to EU countries, each insured person can obtain a European He alth Insurance Card (EHIC) at a branch of the National He alth Fund (NFZ) for free. It en titles you to use public he alth care in a given EU country to the same extent as its citizens.However, many countries charge flat fees for visiting a doctor or hospital treatment. Therefore, in this case, it is better to additionally take out medical insurance. Take the form at the fund's outlet or download it from www.nfz.gov.pl. The completed form must be submitted in person, sent by post or fax together with the document confirming the insurance.
If a family member of the insured person (unemployed spouse, child) is going abroad, the application must be accompanied by:

  • proof of insurance for the person who registered a family member for insurance,
  • proof of registering a family member for insurance,
  • in the case of people over 18, also a document confirming continuation of education or disability.
  • When a family leaves, each family member, including children, must have their own card.
  • The card is valid for 6 months, only retirees and pensioners get the card for 5 years.
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