Typical symptoms of sinusitis are nasal congestion, terrible headaches, and discharge from the back of the throat. This disease will come back like a boomerang if the paranasal sinuses are not opened. Take care of your sinuses.

Allparanasal sinuses(maxillary, frontal, sphenoidal, ethmoidal) are air spaces located in the facial skeleton. They take part in heating, humidifying and purifying the air we breathe. They are also, like the nose, a protective barrier for the respiratory system. The bays also have additional functions: they give a characteristic timbre to our voice, strengthen the structure of the skull, warm the base of the skull and the eye sockets.

First symptoms of sinusitis

The sinuses are connected with the nose by narrow canals (see box on the next page), therefore they are not indifferent to his ailments. The most common cause of sinusitis is a runny nose associated with an infection or allergy. It can cause the nasal mucosa to swell so badly that the sinus openings close. They are also blocked by a large amount of mucosal and serous secretions. Then the sinuses are cut off from the outside world and they start to get sick, because in order to be he althy and perform their functions well, they must be aired. Otolaryngologists have known about it recently, maybe for 10-15 years, but this discovery changed their approach to treating sinusitis.

Unventilated well-ventilated sinuses are an ideal environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. So they multiply and release toxins that irritate the mucous membranes. The consequence is inflammation and increased discharge. Cilia that cover the mucosa play an important role in its removal. Their movement removes secretions from the sinuses along with microbes, toxins and air pollutants.

However, it is not very productive when the sinuses are not fully open. The discharge remains, so we feel pressure and pain around the eyes, forehead, nose bridge and jaw. Some of the secretions are forced under pressure through the sinus openings and either collect in the nose or down the back of the throat. However, some remain in the sinuses and the inflammation does not go away. Therefore, if the runny nose lasts longer than 8-14 days and is accompanied by the aforementioned ailments, it is not worth delaying the visit to the ENT specialist.Using an endoscope (the examination is completely painless), he or she will examine the inside of the nose and the entrance-ductal complexes and make a diagnosis.

Acute inflammation may turn into chronic

If the doctor diagnoses acute sinusitis (starts suddenly and lasts about 4 weeks) or subacute (lasts for 4-12 weeks), he will prescribe a course of antibiotics. Sometimes, however, these drugs are only a temporary help. This may be the case when we have polyps in the nose or a significant curvature of the nasal septum. Then, after the infection is cured, we should consider surgical treatment. Nasal obstruction promotes more frequent infections, aggravates the symptoms of a runny nose and increases the risk of sinus problems.

Disregarded or improperly treated acute or subacute sinusitis can turn into chronic sinusitis. It lasts for more than 12 weeks and often recurs (with exacerbation of symptoms). In this case, endoscopic examination is no longer enough. You need a CT scan of your sinuses to see what's going on there.

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