He althy joints and strong bones are responsible for mobility until old age. As long as we take care of ourselves, old age will come later and show a gentler face. See how to care for your joints so that they do not cause he alth problems for as long as possible.
It depends a lot onthe condition of your joints , your bones and muscles, whether you are a 40-year-old or a 70-year-old adolescent. The aging process may be so slow that it does not deprive you of physical fitness. It is primarily physical activity that slows it down.
Moderate physical activity protects the joints
Physiological aging of joints is mainly based on abrasion of the cartilage, reduction of synovial fluid production and changes in its composition. The degeneration process is accelerated by overexploitation. Hard physical work and competitive sports lead to overloads and micro-injuries that accumulate over the years. They result in excessive wear and tear of cartilage and degenerative changes. On the other hand, moderate but regular physical activity slows down aging, because it increases the secretion of synovial fluid that nourishes the cartilage, also improves the blood supply to periarticular tissues and strengthens the muscles that stabilize the joints.
This will be useful to youStress relief exercises for he althy joints
Exercise is important because muscle tension due to overload or stress worsens the blood supply to the entire motor apparatus.
- Exercise for the neck muscles.Bend your head forward, backward and sideways several times a day.
- Exercises for the muscles of the chest and shoulders.Stand slightly apart. Raise straight arms to shoulder height, then lean back hard. Then stretch your arm out in front of your body to the level of your chest. With your other hand, press it against your body. Repeat the exercise on the other hand.
- Exercises for the muscles of the hips, legs.Lie on your back. Bring one knee, then the other, to your chest, helping yourself with your hands. Then, in a propped kneel (lean on your forearms), alternately lift one leg, the other one at a time, straightening it at the same time.
Movement stimulates bone renewal cells
Throughout our lives, two opposite processes take place in them: creation andloss of bone cells. As long as they balance each other, the bones are strong. But around forty, the decay process begins to prevail. This may be without consequences if the bone mass loss is 0.5-1%. annually. If it is larger, osteoporosis develops which causes the bones to become brittle. Genetic determinants, hormonal changes during menopause, improper diet and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to the development of this disease. Movement stimulates bone-forming cells and prevents excessive bone loss, i.e. osteoporosis, which causes bone fractures. They are not all painful. Compression fractures of the vertebrae of the spine are often not felt, but they result in an arched back bend, giving the figure a senile appearance, and chronic neck and lower back pain. Physical activity is also essential for the muscles. Their weight and strength are reduced if they are used too little.
Joints are particularly sensitive to overload
The motion apparatus does not like them because they damage it and use it excessively. The main causes of overload are excessive physical exertion, keeping the body in the same position for a long time and carrying weights. They are also caused by overweight and obesity, which affect the joints of the lower body particularly hard.
Knees must bear a load 5-10 times greater than we weigh ourselves, therefore each extra kilogram is a huge problem for them. What if there are 10 or more of these kilos? Not only the knee joints, but also the hip joints age prematurely, degenerative changes appear, which also affect the periarticular tissues and muscles.
Maintaining normal body weight is therefore an important element in the prevention of diseases of the locomotor system. Losing just 5 kg can reduce the risk of osteoarthritis by up to 50%. over 10 years.
Let's not overdo it with weight loss, because being underweight is not good for bones - it promotes osteoporosis.
Diet good for joints and muscles
The movement apparatus is adversely affected by saturated fatty acids contained in fats of animal origin. On the other hand, unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids (fatty sea fish, walnuts, as well as rapeseed and linseed oil) and omega-6 (almonds, oils) have a good effect on it.
Fruits and vegetables are also important because they contain antioxidants that neutralize free radicals that cause tissue damage.
Coenzyme Q10 also works positively. Recently, it has been reported that it inhibits the progression of a degenerative disease. It is mainly found in offal, especially chicken livers. There is little of it in plant products (avocados, broccoli,cauliflower).
In turn, the most important for bones are calcium, a good source of which are milk and dairy products, and vitamin D, which increases its absorption from food. Vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of sunlight, so in the periods from autumn to spring, when there is little sunlight, it should be taken in the form of supplements.
Muscles need protein (fish, meat, dairy products, legumes). Its deficiency causes them to disappear.
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