The diet for a flat stomach is very varied. It contains a lot of vegetables, fiber, dishes are steamed or baked or grilled. Foods prepared in accordance with the principles of the flat stomach diet are also tasty. What is the menu for a flat stomach diet?

Diet for a flat stomach-menuis not complicated, the dishes are easy to prepare and tasty. However, you need to remember to spend more time doing physical activity - exercises for a flat stomach, aerobic exercise, and regular walks. What does themenu in a flat stomach diet look like ?

Diet for a flat stomach: day 1

  • breakfast - cottage cheese with radish and cucumber, 2 thicker slices of wholemeal bread
  • 2nd breakfast - banana,
  • dinner - grilled chicken breast, rice, steamed vegetables
  • tea time - grapefruit
  • dinner - omelette with green peas

Diet for a flat stomach: day 2

  • breakfast - cottage cheese with vegetables and 2 medium slices of bread
  • 2nd breakfast - homogenized cheese with cinnamon
  • dinner - meatballs with mushrooms - 10 grams of minced poultry mix with 10 grams of stewed mushrooms with 1 onion, parsley, spices, form meatballs, steam it, eat with a spoonful of rice
  • afternoon tea - 2 apples
  • dinner - vegetable salad with low-fat mayonnaise, a slice of crispbread thinly smeared with butter

Diet for a flat stomach: day 3

  • breakfast - two scrambled eggs with chives, fried with 1/3 teaspoon of butter, a slice of bread
  • 2nd breakfast - yoghurt with kiwi and bran
  • dinner - peppers stuffed with buckwheat
  • afternoon tea - 1.5 slices of fresh pineapple
  • dinner - 100 g smoked fish, two slices of bread thinly buttered

Check if your BMI is normal

Diet for a flat stomach: day 4

  • breakfast - a hard-boiled egg with a teaspoon of low-fat mayonnaise and chives, a slice of bread
  • 2nd breakfast - a pear or two carrots
  • dinner - 200 g of a lean roast pork loin, two potatoes, a bouquet of vegetables made of water
  • afternoon snack - fruit jelly
  • dinner - salad with half a cup of cooked rice and the same amount of cooked red beans, plus a teaspoon of vinaigrette juice

Diet for a flat stomach: day 5

  • breakfast - 3 tablespoons of muesli with fruit, a glass of low-fat milk
  • 2nd breakfast - skimmed cheese with fruit
  • dinner - baked cod fillet in yoghurt and paprika sauce, jacket potatoes, boiled broccoli
  • afternoon tea - jelly or pudding
  • dinner - slice of whole grain bread, tomato and lettuce salad, 40 g of feta cheese, teaspoon of olive oil

Check also: A flat stomach in a week - diet and exercise for 7 days

Diet for a flat stomach: day 6

  • breakfast - 2 slices of graham with 2 slices of chicken, tomato
  • 2nd breakfast - fruit cocktail on kefir
  • dinner - 1/2 cup of rice, 15-20 grams of grilled salmon, 3/4 cup of broccoli, large chicory salad, 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil, a glass of tomato juice
  • afternoon snack - fruit salad with apples, nectarines, 10 grapes
  • dinner - 100 g cold fish in vegetables

Diet for a flat stomach: day 7

  • breakfast - 2 slices of graham with 2 slices of low-fat cheese, fresh cucumber
  • 2nd breakfast - fruit yoghurt
  • dinner - 200 g of a lean roast pork loin, two potatoes, a bouquet of vegetables made of water
  • tea - orange
  • dinner - cod fillet stewed in olive oil with vegetables and half a cup of al dente pasta
