When you freeze to the bone, use proven methods that will warm you up and improve your mood: a cup of mulled wine, a plate of barley soup or broth, and a portion of fish with buckwheat. If you are worried that an infection may result from cooling down, reach for warming herbs and spices.
Warming herbal infusion
Even by dressing warmly, we will not always be able to avoid getting cold. Then herbal infusions will warm us up more effectively than tea. It is best to reach forlinden flower, elderberry flowerorthyme herb . Pour a tablespoon of herbs in a pot with a glass of cold water and slowly bring to a boil, then leave it covered for about 30 minutes. Strain and drink after cooling slightly with the addition of linden honey or raspberry or blackcurrant syrups.
Grain and brown rice to warm up
During cold weather, it is the groats and rice (necessarily brown) that should appear on our tables as often as possible. Every day we remember about their rich vitamin and mineral composition. However, we forget about their excellent warming properties. Father Grzegorz Sroka, an excellent herbalist, recommended buckwheat groats for warming up. It is a good choice - as a rich source of minerals (silicon, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium), vitamins (B, PP, C), folic acid and routine, it will strengthen the body, improve blood circulation and perfectly warm even the most cold people.Of all groats, buckwheat is the warmest . Before serving, it should be seasoned with marjoram and garlic.Brown ricecontains vitamins, minerals and fiber, and has a low glycemic index. If we want to feel its warming effect, after cooking, gently fry it in a pan with the addition of honey and cinnamon.
Homemade mulled wine with warming spices
Mulled wineWe make red wine with spices and honey. It is best to use dry wine, because it has unique pro-he alth properties (antiatherosclerotic, antioxidant).
How to prepare them? Here is a recipe for homemade mulled wine. Pour a glass of red wine into the pot and slowly heat it up, making sure not to bring it to the boil. Before that, we prepare a spice mixture consisting of: a flat spooncinnamon, a teaspoon of ground cloves, half a teaspoon of ground ginger, a teaspoon of coriander, and a teaspoon of cardamom. After heating the wine, add a teaspoon of spices and a tablespoon of honey or brown sugar. We drink warm, but not hot.
How to make mulled wine? Look! [TOWIDEO]
Soup not only for dinner
Old Polish krupnik (traditional barley is made, but it is also worth trying buckwheat krupnik - see the recipe), borscht or broth will be perfect in cold weather. It's a great way to warm up the body - soups are easy to prepare and easy to digest. It is also a good way to have breakfast - remember that during winter you should not leave the house on an empty stomach or just a sip of coffee. To save time in the morning, let's prepare the soup the day before, so that it will be enough for both breakfast and dinner. Of course, even the most warm soup needswarming spices,so let's season itwith coriander, marjoram, thyme, rosemary, basilororegano.
Fish time
Although few people know about it, fish is also one of the warming products. It is best to steam it (then the loss of valuable substances is the smallest) with the addition of nutmeg, paprika, marjoram, black pepper and tarragon.
Hot cup with fragrant additives
When we come home freezing, it is worth starting heating by drinking something warm. It can be tea or milk. Remember, however, to enrich the drink with warming additives.
A tablespoon of raspberry syruporlinden honeywill not only warm up, but also increase our immunity, strengthen and cleanse the respiratory system. The salicylic acid contained in raspberries has a diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
You can addcinnamonto coffee, milk, hot chocolate or boiled apples. It not only warms up, but also facilitates digestion and has anti-atherosclerotic properties. Let's try to choose the proportion ourselves. For lovers of this spice, even a heaped teaspoon of cinnamon may not be enough!
Cardamomgoes best with coffee and milk. It is worth remembering about it in colds and bronchitis. A level teaspoon twice a day will strengthen the body.
GingerAs fresh as it is dried it goes well with both coffee and tea. Add fresh, sliced, dried pinches. But it is not everything! Mix a teaspoon of powdered ginger with a heaped tablespoon of honey. Then let's suck slowly with a warm drink. Watch out for the spicy, burning taste! Ginger has an anti-inflammatory effect on the stomach and joints.
Clovesis a great addition not only to baked ham, but also to tea or borscht. They have an analgesic and antiseptic effect. Toss a few cloves into the mug and pour hot tea over it!
It's also worth experimenting withspice blends . We can achieve interesting flavor combinations, for example by mixing cinnamon and cardamom in equal proportions or two tablespoons of cardamom with a teaspoon of ginger and a teaspoon of ground cloves. However, if someone doesn't feel like or time for such attempts, there is an easy way. It is enough to buy a ready-made coffee spice. Most often it contains these spices.
Chili pepperis associated more with meat seasoning. And le gourmets also recommend it with hot chocolate - it will not only warm you up, but also improve blood circulation. Used regularly (just a pinch as a serving) it is an effective drug in inflammation of the respiratory tract.
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