Runner's euphoria is a state of bliss and joy that occurs after intense exercise and lasts for about half an hour. Endorphins - hormones that act on the nervous system similar to drugs, are responsible for feeling happy after running. For this reason, long-distance runners are often referred to as "endogenous morphinists" and their euphoria is often referred to as high or high.
Runner's euphoria( runner's high ) has long been a mysterious and poorly researched phenomenon whose existence has been repeatedly questioned. To date, at least a few scientific theories have been developed to explain the sudden rush of joy in runners and after hard training. This phenomenon was first observed in the 1970s, when running began to gain popularity. In 1975, scientists identified endogenous morphines, or endorphins, hormones responsible for causing euphoria in humans. It has been established that these substances are secreted by the brain during prolonged and intense running.
Endorphins - what are they?
Endorphins are a group of hormones called endogenous opioids. They are potent agonists (activators) of opioid receptors in the brain. Drugs - codeine, morphine and heroin have a similar effect, but due to their external origin they provide stronger stimuli and are more addictive than naturally produced by the body hormones.
Under the influence of endorphins, we feel bliss, joy, contentment and relaxation. Happiness hormones also tolerate pain and relieve stress. Their increased secretion is caused by such stimuli as laughter, sunbathing, eating chocolate, sex, meditation, taking psychoactive substances, childbirth (they have an analgesic effect). Scientific research also shows that the brain produces endorphins in response to intense exercise.
Endorphins and runner's euphoria
Over the years, there have been many scientific theories about why running causes euphoria. Some scientists believed that feeling better had nothing to do with the release of endorphins - the feeling of "high" was supposed to be caused by participation in sports competitions and satisfaction with the distance covered. Others have argued that endogenous cannabinoids are responsible for this effect, incl. anandamide.
Currently behindthe theory that endorphins cause the runner's euphoria is the most plausible one. Convincing evidence for the validity of this thesis was provided by German scientists from the University of Bonn. In 2008, they published the results of their experiment to describe changes in the brain under the influence of prolonged exercise. They selected 10 athletic men for the study, who were instructed to run for 2 hours without a break. Both before and after training, they were subjected to psychological tests to determine their well-being. Appropriate laboratory tests were also carried out to determine the level of endorphins in the brain and the level of activity of specific brain structures.
Psychological tests showed a fundamental change in the well-being of the respondents - they felt more joy and euphoria after the training. There has also been an increased activity of those parts of the brain that are responsible for feeling pleasure. This allowed for the conclusion that long exertion and the associated pain and fatigue stimulate the brain to produce endorphins. They are designed to help the runner to endure an exhausting run better, and at the same time put him in a great mood. This is why some people are directly addicted to running and consider every day without training as a waste.
Runner's euphoria - when does it appear?
Unfortunately, not every runner is able to experience a state of euphoria. To "fly away" you need to be in a very good condition - endorphins are released only after about 30 minutes of continuous running. The intensity of your training also matters: your heart rate should remain within 70-80% of your maximum heart rate. Maintaining such a high pace for half an hour requires a lot of experience in running, so beginners do not have a chance to experience for themselves what the runner's euphoria is.
Another factor that increases the production of endorphins after exercise is … genetics. Some people are naturally delighted after a run and become euphoric very easily. Others can train for hours and their experience will be no more ecstatic than recreational jogging.
How to check if we are capable of feeling runner's euphoria? The only way is to constantly work on your endurance and speed. When we reach the appropriate level of fitness, there is a very high probability that we will feel an endorphin high.
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