Prognathism, or the Habsburg lip, means the upper jaw and / or the lower jaw strongly protruding from the front. In the past, prognathism was present in the proto-human. Prognathism was also passed down from generation to generation in the Habsburg family (hence the colloquial name of the Habsburg lip). What are the causes and symptoms of prognathism? What is the treatment?
Prognathismmeans the upper jaw strongly advanced (prognosis) or the lower jaw (progenia), which is especially visible when looking at the face in profile. Prognathism was present in the proto-human, but in the process of evolution of the bones of the mandible and jaws slowly retreated and are now slightly forward (the so-calledorthognathism ).
Prognathism is otherwise calledHabsburg lipbecause this defect was often present in the Habsburg dynasty. It was the result of numerous genetic disorders caused by incestuous relationships within the family.
Prognathism (Habsburg lip) - causes
Prognathism can be a birth defect. It can also be associated with endocrine diseases such as acromegaly and gigantism, or genetic conditions such as Crouzon's syndrome (craniofacial dysostosis) or Gorlin's syndrome (nominal epithelioma syndrome).
Prognathism (Habsburgian lip) - symptoms
- mandibular prognathism- a distinctive feature is a strongly protruding chin. Additionally, the lower lip is oversized and much larger than the upper lip, and the entire face appears chunky. Accompanying symptoms are problems with biting, chewing and speaking. Additionally, there is drooling, gum disease, and tooth decay. If jaw prognathism is left untreated, it may worsen
- alveolar prognathism- manifested by excessive protrusion of the upper jaw in relation to the mandible. Then the so-called false overshot, i.e. with an excessively protruding jaw, the mandible only seems too recessed
- two-jawed prognathism- both the lower jaw and the jaw protrude excessively in relation to the rest of the face
- total prognathism- the whole face is protruding
Prognathism (Habsburgian lip) - treatment
In the case of prognatism, orthodontic or orthodontic treatment can besurgical. In the first case, the doctor will select the appropriate type of apparatus. However, much better results are additionally obtained by a single or two jaw surgery.
The purpose of single-jaw surgery is to correct deformities only within the mandible. On the other hand, the purpose of the two-jaw surgery is to shorten the mandibular body and position the upper jaw in relation to the lower jaw. The procedure involves cutting and starting the bones, and then joining the bone fragments with special screws and plates made of titanium.
These are very expensive treatments. In Poland, their cost is around 20,000. PLN.