A gynecologist-sexologist can use a vibrator to diagnose sexual disorders such as vaginismus and dyspareunia. During the examination, the vibrator is not inserted into the vagina, and the patient has the right to refuse to undergo this method.

It happens that patients visit a sexologist with a problem of vaginismus, dyspareunia, loss of sexual needs or no feeling of pleasure. If, after collecting the interview, the sexologist states that an in-depth gynecological diagnosis is necessary, then he or she asks for a gynecologist-sexologist consultation.

The doctor can then use a vibrator to help prevent the pain from being focused on. It is used to test the vaginal reflex through a short reflex arc, not associated with any emotion of excitement. Male genital vibrators are also used similarly to test for reflex erections to see if the nervous and vascular systems responsible for the erection are normal.

The vibrator is a distractor when the pain is psychogenic; somatogenic pain persists despite the action of the vibrator.

During the examination, the vibrator is never inserted into the vagina, only applied to the vulva. If a vibrator is entered into diagnostics, then not earlier than after the 4th treatment session. The patient should always be informed about the stages and methods of treatment. He also has the right to refuse to submit to the proposed method. During the examination, she may be accompanied by a close person.

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