Niepokalanek monks is a herb known mainly for its effectiveness in PMS therapy and the regulation of the menstrual cycle. It also helps in relieving the symptoms of menopause and supports the lactation process. What other properties does the chaste monks have? How was it used in medicine?
Niepokalanek monks( Vitex agnus-castus ) is a herb whosehealing propertiesshould appreciate especially women. Chaste monk fruit, which resembles pepper in appearance, has long beenusedas a hormone-stabilizing drug. In natural medicine, chaste monks is used in the treatment of hormonal disorders in women, manifested by: disorders of the menstrual cycle (scanty or excessive bleeding, intermittent bleeding, anovulatory cycles), premenstrual syndrome (i.e. with symptoms of irritability, mood swings, headaches, swelling) , painful swelling of the breasts. In addition, chaste monks has a diuretic, diaphoretic, antipyretic, antispasmodic, disinfecting, sedative and choleretic effect.
Monks of Immaculate Conception will ease PMS symptoms
The main cause of PMS is the hormone battle associated with the menstrual cycle. In the first half of the cycle, the level of estrogen increases, while in the second half of the cycle, the level of progesterone increases. If the production of progesterone is insufficient, hormonal imbalance and unpleasant ailments may occur. However, the main responsibility for PMS symptoms is attributed to prolactin - a hormone produced by the pituitary gland that is responsible, inter alia, for the lactation process. Abnormal increase in prolactin levels results in symptoms such as emotional lability, headache and breast soreness.
Although Chaste monks does not contain hormones or hormone-like substances, it has a beneficial effect on the hormonal balance and regulates the menstrual cycle in women. Scientific research has shown that Chasteberry extract blocks the secretion of prolactin from the pituitary gland.1In this way, it normalizes the concentration of progesterone and the second phase of the menstrual cycle, and thus - reduces arrhythmias and PMS symptoms. It had a positive effect on the reductionirritability, improves mood and reduces pain occurring in the course of PMS.
Worth knowingThe nickname "monks" of chasteberry owes its frequent use in monasteries, where it was used to prepare healing potions. Its other names are pepper chaste, pepper monks.
Niepokalanek monks - side effects
Nausea may occasionally occur in the first week of treatment. Simultaneous intake of agents containing progesterone or gestagens (e.g. oral contraceptives) may enhance the effects of the herb.
Niepokalanek monks - contraindications
It is not recommended to take the herb during pregnancy as there are no studies confirming its safety during pregnancy.
Monks of Immaculate Conception will ease the symptoms of menopause
The gradual reduction in the amount of sex hormones produced is the main cause of discomfort accompanying menopause. The first signs of menopause can be seen around the age of 45.
Niepokalanek monks restores the hormonal balance and thus helps to alleviate the symptoms of menopause in women.
These include irregular menstrual bleeding, flushing, palpitations and insomnia. Studies have shown that ethanol extracts from chasteberry increase the weight of the uterus of rats, as well as increase the level of progesterone and estrogen and lower the level of LH and prolactin.2The estrogenic effect is probably caused by apigenin and penduletin, which are selective estrogen receptor agonists. Moreover, it has been observed that apigenin also has a progestogenic effect. It has also been found that the essential oil of both fruit and chaste leaves can be effective in this case.
Despite the promising results of animal studies, there is still a lack of adequate human studies that could confirm its effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of menopause.
Worth knowingNiepokalanek monks - where to buy? What's the price?
Chasteberry Extract is available in the form of various pharmaceutical preparations. These include tinctures, extracts, homeopathic preparations and tablets. The price of 30 tablets is about PLN 16.
Niepokalanek monks for infertility
Monks of Immaculate Conception stimulates the secretion of sex hormones, so it is sometimes successfully used in the treatment of infertility. German scientists from Universitäts-Frauenklinik in Heidelberg have confirmed the effectiveness of the Monk's chaste in increasing fertility and treating infertility-related disorders.4 The study included 67 women - 37 with infrequent periods and 30 with amenorrhea. For over 3 months they were given a herbal preparation based on the monk's chaste. These patients significantly improved their progesterone levels in the luteal phase, earlier ovulation appeared, and 38 became pregnant.
Niepokalanek monks supports lactation
Monks of Immaculate Conception, by stimulating the release of prolactin, contributes to changes in the production of milk in the mammary glands.
IMPORTANT! While breastfeeding, chaste monks should be used after consulting a doctor.
When the amount of milk produced is insufficient and it is not due to medical reasons or improper feeding method - you can include in the diet substances that stimulate lactation, the so-called galactogogi. They include, among others preparations of plant origin (e.g. herbal lactation teas with the use of monk's chaste). There are opinions that lactation teas also have a positive effect on the taste of mother's milk, thanks to which the baby is more likely to suckle the breast, and this in turn stimulates lactation.
Niepokalanek monks and sexual he alth of men
In men, chasteberry extract can be used to treat premature ejaculation. A beneficial effect has also been observed in states of excessive sexual tension and in andropause.
Niepokalanek monks - use in the kitchen
Seeds, due to their sharp taste, are sometimes used as a substitute for pepper; they also extract oil. On the other hand, the leaves, which are also spicy, are added to the beer instead of hops.
Worth knowingThe term agnus comes from the Greek words agnos - innocent, lamb. Pedanius Dioscorides - a Greek physician, pharmacologist and botanist who lived and worked in Rome during the time of Emperor Nero - described the chaste chastity as follows: "Agnos, the bush of the innocent lamb, known to the Romans as wild pepper, is a tree-like shrub that grows by on rocky coasts. It is called agnos because during the tesmophoria [a festival honoring the fertility goddess Demeter], chaste women used it as bedding, or because the drink from it inhibited sexual attraction. In Greek mythology, the chaste was a symbol of a virtuous marriage, because the goddess Hera was to be born under this shrub on the island of Samos. In the Middle Ages, monasteries, nuns and monks had access to the writings of ancient Mediterranean cultures about medicinal plants. The Immaculate Conception turned out to be effective and as "pepper monks" became a symbol of sober religious life. The famous plant expert Matthiolus wrote in 1626year in his Herbarium: "He feels like about Venus, and this is done not only by the seed, but also by leaves and flowers, and not only when they are eaten, but also when they are scattered on the bed.5
1. Kluszczyk W., Medicines of plant origin in the light of modern pharmacotherapy of the menopausal period, Pharmaceutyczny Przegląd Naukowy 2007, No. 3
2. Krajewska J., Raw materials of natural origin used in menopause, "Pharmakotherapy" 2014
3. Vitex agnus-castus (Chaste-Tree / Berry) in the treatment of menopause-related complaints: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19678775
4. The efficacy of the complex medication Phyto-Hypophyson L in female, hormone-related sterility. A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical double-blind study: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11025394
5. Kochanowska J., Mnisi Pieprz, "Journal of the Botanical Garden of the University of Wrocław" 2010