Pale complexion, fatigue, lack of concentration - these may be symptoms of anemia. A proper diet is very important in preventing and treating anemia. It requires products containing substances that help hematopoietic processes run smoothly. What should be on the plate to keep it in good shape? Learn the principles of a diet that protects against anemia?
Diet for anemia: iron
Component of hemoglobin, which is responsible for the oxygenation of the body. The level of red blood cells in the blood, proper heart function, hormonal balance and immunity depend on how much of it we have. It adds energy, improves thinking. Where to look? In red meat, liver, legumes, broccoli, spinach.Ironfrom plant products is less digestible, but they are less caloric. The daily dose (16-19 mg for women, 15 mg for men) will be covered by a varieddiet .
Diet for anemia: vitamin C
Ascorbic acid improves iron absorption 3-4 times. In this way, it protects againstanemia(the body uses an average of 10% of the supplied element). Where to look? In citrus fruits, rosehips, cranberries, parsley parsley, chives, and lettuce. It is best to combine vegetables and fruits on a plate, which are a rich source of vitamin C, with animal products containing a lot of iron: sausage with tomato, chop with cabbage salad.
Diet for anemia: vitamins B6 and B12
They are needed for the production of he althy red blood cells. If these vitamins are not enough, the resulting erythrocytes are too large and too fragile to perform their function properly - to carry oxygen and nutrients. Then anemia develops. Where to look? In meat, liver, cheese, whole grains, groats, nuts, breakfast cereals, fish (mainly sardines), yeast, avocado, potatoes, bananas.
Diet for anemia: molybdenum
We need this micronutrient in trace amounts. However, it plays a very important role in the body. It is part of many enzymes that regulate the absorption of iron. Without it, iron will be excreted from the body. Where to look? In whole grain products, natural rice, legume seeds, milk and its products, yellow cheese, eggs, spinach, parsley,tomatoes. If you avoid fast food and canned food, you shouldn't miss it.
Diet for anemia: vitamin E
Protects cell membranes against free radicals. If we have enough of it, hematopoietic processes proceed properly. Where to look? In wheat germ, oils, nuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, vegetables with green leaves, wholemeal bread and pasta, uncleaned groats. The daily norm for adults is 10 mg of a-tocopherol equivalent (the most absorbable form of vitamin E). For comparison: a tablespoon of wheat germ provides 20 mg.
Diet for anemia: folic acid
Takes part in cell division. Folic acid deficiency can lead to megaloblastic anemia - it is characterized by an altered image of red blood cells due to disturbance of their development in the bone marrow. Where to look? In green vegetables, beans, whole grains, orange juice. Some products are enriched with this acid, e.g. flour. You can cover the recommended daily dose by eating cereals or wholemeal bread for breakfast and adding vegetables to your meals.
Diet for anemia: copper, zinc, cob alt
They participate in the formation of red blood cells. Copper deficiency hinders the transport of iron to the places of hemoglobin synthesis, cob alt is part of vitamin B12. Where to look? Copper - in seafood, legumes, whole grains, nuts, peas, garlic, tomatoes, an avocado. Zinc - in buckwheat, wholemeal bread, sirloin, eggs, pumpkin seeds, cabbage, cheese. Cob alt - in mushrooms, giblets, chicory, spinach.
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