Thrush is sometimes confused by the mother with the remnants of milk in the infant's mouth and only the pediatrician notices them during the check-up. Sore mouths appear in older children, they are painful red blisters in the mouth. Poor hygiene favors thrush and canker sores in children.
Thrushthese are creamy-white raids in the baby's mouth caused by fungi called yeasts, andcanker soresare small, very painful blisters surrounded by a red border.
- Thrush is the bane of the youngest children, they look like milk residues sticking to the inside of the cheeks, gums or the palate. They also appear on the tongue. Attempting to wipe them ends in bleeding - explains Dr. Hanna Obara, pediatrician, head of the children's clinic in Służewiec, Warsaw.
Thrush - infects adults
- A child becomes infected with yeast, for example by sucking on an infected mother's breast or licking it, or an inadequately washed nipple - says Karolina Ołoszczyńska, environmental nurse from Bydgoszcz. He adds that they sometimes also appear as a result of antibiotic treatment. While the infection is not dangerous, it hurts the baby and makes it difficult to eat. But, if not noticed in time, it can expand dangerously and become a thick skin that makes it difficult to suck. This can happen, for example, after treatment with antibiotics. - Recently, a seven-year-old boy suffered from bronchitis for three weeks. He was given an antibiotic. Then he began to complain of a sore throat. He looked like he had purulent strep throat, but no temperature. It was a yeast-like, widespread pharyngitis, recalls Dr. Obara. “My esophagus, I suppose. The child was given nystatin, but drinkable internally. Dr. Obara cautions against ignoring inflammation with a fever, or one that does not go away after a few days. Consultation with a pediatrician is needed.
ImportantPleśniawkom and aphthom favor:
- poor hygiene
- antibiotic treatment
- breastfeeding infection
Thrush won't go away by itself
Treating thrush is simple. Mothers who are breastfeeding should wipe the nipple with the medicine before feeding. It is also necessary to rinse the nipples with warm water always before and after feeding. -Sometimes the ladies put the medicine in the child's mouth or apply lubrication with a spatula. There is a better method. I suggest that the mother thoroughly washed her hands, put sterile gauze on the middle or index finger, wet it with the liquid and brush the baby's mouth in this way, says Dr. Obara. - The finger is supple and soft, and you can inadvertently deepen the wounds with a hard spatula. Brushing should be done after feeding, several times a day.
According to an expertMaciej Nowak, MD, PhD, periodontist, dentist, lecturer at the Medical University of WarsawHow to choose a specimen?
"In order to provide the child with maximum comfort during the treatment of painful lesions in the oral cavity, it is worth choosing the appropriate form of antiseptic preparation depending on the type and location of the lesion and the age of the child. Gel seems to be the most practical form of a topical preparation. lesions in the oral cavity.
In hard-to-reach places, such as the back of the throat, a spray form is a good choice. It will enable the application without exposing the child to the gag reflex.
When the lesions are scattered and the child understands and follows our instructions, it is worth choosing the fluid that will most easily cover the affected areas in the mouth.
If the thrush does not go away, see a pediatric dentist (pediatrician). "
When does the canker sores start?
Other inflammatory changes occur in the oral cavity in older children. When they stop drinking only milk, the pH in the mouth changes (from alkaline to acidic) and it becomes more difficult for yeasts to multiply. The thrush then gives way to aphthas, which are small, very painful blisters surrounded by a red border. The underlying cause of the infection may be viral or bacterial. The child becomes cranky, refuses to eat, and sometimes even has an elevated temperature.
- Mothers are often unable to wean a 1-year-old baby away from a pacifier. And it is not only lying, but also crawling, walking and running. And the pacifier, his friend, he takes everywhere with him. Together, they visit the floor, nooks and crannies in the apartment, in the sandbox, collect all the rubbish and bacteria - says Dr. Obara. - Then it is really very easy to get infected. Aphthas also appear during infection and general weakness. Teething babies are especially susceptible to it, because the mucosa is fluffed up and becomes easily infected. In order to reduce pain while eating, you should feed your baby crumbs, porridges, and semolina; do not give him anything sour or s alty. You can use ready-made topical preparations to protect aphthous against irritants, containing, for example, polyvinylpyrrolidone, acidhyaluronic acid to aid healing. In addition, we can rinse the mouth with sage, chamomile or disinfectant liquids.
When to see the doctor
- if thrush or aphthae are extensive and make eating difficult (the child loses appetite)
- if self-treatment is unsuccessful
Afty in children
We asked an expert if canker sores and thrush are the same what to do when we notice canker sores in a child's mouth and how we can prevent their appearance.
Thrush looks like the milk left over in your baby's mouth after feeding. This proves a superficial infection with Monilla albicans. Usually the thrush is small, but if neglected, it can cover the mucosa in an infant's mouth with a uniform layer.
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