We drink too little water - this is what research shows, and in addition our knowledge about it is very low. In common parlance, any bottled water is incorrectly referred to as "mineral". Meanwhile, it is divided into three types - naturally spring water, naturally mineral water and table water, i.e. mineralized water.
Despite the appeals of doctors, nutritionists, cosmetologists and the media, the consumption ofbottled waterin our country is still too low. Only 44% of Poles declare that they drink it every day. However, it is disturbing that as many as 61% of Poles reach for it only when they feelthirst .
Poles' knowledge of natural bottled waters is still not sufficient. Compared to other European Union countries, we are far behind. While a statistical European drinks approx. 106 litersof waterper year, the average consumption of water by one inhabitant of Poland remains at the level of 65 liters. Less than half of Poles declare that they drink water every day, and as many as 61% use it only when they feel thirsty.
When do Poles reach for natural bottled water?
The research conducted at the request of the Polish Chamber of Commerce "Bottling Industry" shows that only 10% of Poles drink natural bottled water every day in the amounts recommended by dietitians. Our knowledge of water is rather general. Most not only do not distinguish between natural bottled waters, but also do not read labels, do not know what water is especially recommended for them. Only 14% of respondents choose water based on its mineral composition.
Check also:Is your tap water he althy?
Drink water, you'll be he althy
Worrying is also the fact that Poles very often do not realize what damage our body can be caused by the lack of regular hydration and that our body dehydrates all year round, also in winter. Many people find that because they are not thirsty, they do not need to drink. Nothing could be more wrong. In order for our body to work properly, we should provide it with as much fluid as it loses. According to the Golden Card of Proper Nutrition, you should drink at least 1 liter of natural bottled water daily. The Food and Nutrition Institute has for the first time developed water standards for the Polish population, according to which an adult woman should drink 2700 ml of fluids, andmale 3700 ml. The lack of water in the body manifests itself not only in chronic fatigue, insomnia, deterioration of concentration, memory impairment, headaches and dry skin, but also problems with digestion and heart. And its chronic deficiency can lead to kidney stones and permanent degeneration of the joints. At birth, our body is 75% water, and this percentage decreases with age.
- The body of an adult human is approximately 60% water. In women, its amount is slightly less than because their body contains more fat. Water is present in all human organs in very different proportions. Most of it is in the blood - 83%, in the kidneys - 82.7% and in the heart and lungs - 79% each. Even organs such as bones contain it, making up 22% of their mass. The least amount of water in our body contains only 10% adipose tissue - explains Assoc. Małgorzata Kozłowska-Wojciechowska, MD, PhD.
Few people know that the source of water for our body, in addition to the fluid intake, which covers 62% of the daily requirement, are also solid foods. For example, fruits and vegetables They provide about 18% of the daily intake. The source of water can also be bread and cereal products that provide about 8% of it, and even meat and its products (about 2%).
Bottled water, i.e. spring, mineral or table water
In colloquial language, any bottled water is incorrectly defined as "mineral". Meanwhile, they are divided into three types: natural mineral, natural spring and mineralized called table. A common and very important feature of natural mineral waters and natural spring waters is their origin from underground resources and their original chemical and microbiological purity. There are low-mineralized waters with a total content of mineral s alts up to 500 mg / l, medium-mineralized waters (mineral s alts content from 500 to 1500 mg / l) and highly-mineralized waters, in which the content of mineral s alts is higher than 1,500 mg / l.
- If this water is of adequate quality, it can be bottled. This process must take place under appropriate conditions that protect it from contact with external contamination and enable the preservation of the natural mineral composition and natural properties to the maximum extent possible.
Individual types of water contain the same elements and their compounds, mainly: calcium, sodium, magnesium, in the form of chlorides, bicarbonates and sulphates, but they differ in the degree of overall mineralization and the ratio between individual minerals, and thus the purpose individual waters for their use.
-Natural waters contain all the minerals that are also present in the human body, in its tissues and body fluids. Since they have an ionic form in water, they are bioactive and easily digestible - says Dr. n farm. Teresa Latour from the National Institute of Public He alth of the National Institute of Hygiene. The variety of natural waters in packaging allows the consumer to choose the one that is suitable for individual needs. One will benefit a person with osteoporosis and another will benefit from hypertension. For example, people with kidney stones should avoid those with high calcium content, and people with osteoporosis should prefer this type of water. People suffering from hypertension should drink low-sodium water, and people working in high temperatures should drink water with more potassium and sodium.