Small children catch a runny nose extremely easily and endure it very badly. A runny nose makes breathing difficult and prevents you from sleeping at night. How to help a child and soothe a runny nose? What to do to make it as short as possible?
It especially teases babies because they can't breathe through their mouths yet. It starts withsneezing . A watery discharge is running from the nose. After 2-3 days it thickens, but does not change color - it is transparent mucous or white. The child may have a low-grade fever, coughs, becausedischarge from the noseirritates the throat. These are typical symptoms ofcoldviral. Children have it even several times a year - their immune system is not fully developed yet and usually loses the fight against intruders. White-yellow or greenish nasal discharge may indicate bacterial (purulent) rhinitis. It should not be underestimated, because purulent infection can affect the sinuses, bronchi and lungs, and its course is usually severe. Be sure to go to the pediatrician, as you may need to give your baby an antibiotic.
Cleansing a runny nose
First of all, he needs to clear his nose. Put the baby on its back, tilt its head back and put 1-2 drops of saline or sea s alt (available at the pharmacy without a prescription) into each hole. This constricts the blood vessels, reducing swelling, and thinning mucus. Hold the baby lying down for a while so that the drops do not run out. Then place them on their tummy and let the nasal secretions drain. Gently wipe the area around the nose with a cotton pad and apply marjoram ointment or petroleum jelly to prevent chafing and facilitate breathing. You need to clean your nose several times a day, before feeding and going to bed. You can suck off excess secretion with an aspirator. Do it gently so as not to scare your toddler and damage the nasal mucosa. If there is a lot of discharge, remove it with a Frida baby aspirator or another with a short wide tip. Bring it to the outer edge of the nose. Do not use a pear with a thin tip as it can easily damage the mucosa. When the baby is awake, put it on its tummy as often as possible - then the secretion will flow out by itself, clearing the nose.
Learning to wipe a runny nose with a handkerchiefnose
Be sure to teach your child to wipe their nose. You can start learning when they turn one year old, but only a three-year-old will be able to do it well. Encourage the child to put a soft disposable handkerchief to his nose, press a finger against one wing of his nose, take a breath, shut his mouth and breathe with all his might. Then let him blow out the other nostril (blowing both out at once promotes ear infection). Before that, it is worth instilling saline or sea saline into the baby's nose - the softened secretion is easier to blow out. Encourage your child to blow his nose frequently - this will prevent irritation of the throat, discharge of secretions into the bronchi and stagnation of it in the sinuses. Do not dress a sickly child too warm so that they do not sweat. Overheating and cooling down the body can only increase the discomfort. If your baby is lying down, place extra pillows under his head. The semi-sitting position will reduce the flow of mucus from the nose to the back of the throat and also facilitate breathing.
Runny nose in a child? Learn how to get rid of a stuffy nose [TOWIDEO]
You must do itWith a cold baby and toddler, go to the pediatrician as soon as possible. The airways of young children are very short, which promotes the rapid spread of viruses. That is why a banal runny nose can quickly turn into inflammation of the middle ear, larynx and even pneumonia. You can wait a bit with an older child. If, despite the home treatment, there is no improvement after 2-3 days, you need to consult a doctor who will recommend appropriate medications. If the runny nose lasts almost continuously, the child should see an ENT specialist. The cause may be an oversized third almond or a distorted nasal septum.
Relief of a runny nose
- Moisturize the air. If you do not have a humidifier, hang containers of water on the radiator or put laundry in the room. You can also pour hot water into the bathtub and sit in the bathroom with your baby for a few minutes. Ventilate the room frequently and keep it at a temperature of 20-22 ° C. Moist air thins mucus, making it easier to breathe.
- Do inhalations. Steam is enough, and if the baby is not allergic, add chamomile infusion to the water. An older child will be helped by inhalation with the addition of sage, thyme or anise. If he is not yet 3 years old, use a nebulizer (available over the counter at a pharmacy) for inhalation. It is a device that produces and disperses a cool mist.
- The child has to drink a lot. Warm weak tea with sugar or raspberry juice will do him good. For a child over 1 year of age, you can give tea with blasted honey and lemon. The fluids will dilute the secretion and thushelp to clean the nose.
- Don't give up on walks. If the child is feeling well and has no fever, he or she should go outside. Fresh air will make it easier for him to breathe.
Children cannot be given adult remedies - they are too strong and can damage the mucosa. The pharmacist will select the drops according to the toddler's age. The drops must be used carefully, as recommended by the manufacturer.
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