It is believed that coronary heart disease and infarction mainly affect men. Meanwhile, women suffer from heart disease as often as men, only slightly differently and usually 10 years later.

Woman's heartunder the magnifying glass. Perhaps in the days of our great-grandmothers, it was mainly men who suffered from heart disease. They were affected byheart attacks , and we only hadheart palpitationswhen nervous. But those times are over, as evidenced by the epidemiological data. Currently, women (54%) die more often from cardiovascular diseases than men (39%). However, the myth of the disease-resistant female heart still lingers in society.

Female heart is protected by hormones - estrogens

Certainly, this myth has nothing to do with the anatomical structure of a woman's heart. In this respect it is no different from the male one. It is only smaller and lighter (weighs about 220 g, male about 300 g), and the coronary arteries that carry blood to it are narrower in proportion to its size. These differences do not affect the work of the circulatory system. So where did the belief that women suffer from ischemic heart disease, popularly known as a wreath, the consequence of which may be a heart attack, come from? Probably because estrogens (female sex hormones) protect the heart to some extent. They widen and elasticize blood vessels, keep bad cholesterol in check and inhibit the development of atherosclerosis.

Vigilance lowered by hormones

It turns out, however, that we overestimate the protective role of estrogens. Recent epidemiological data show that menopause does not significantly increase the risk of heart disease in women. The hormones themselves, namely the effect of estrogen preparations used as hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on the coronary arteries, were also examined. The results of subsequent coronary angiography showed that the condition of these blood vessels, unfortunately, did not improve under the influence of estrogens. This does not mean that they do not protect us against cardiovascular disease. They protect, but not sufficiently, especially when we lead a male lifestyle (we abuse alcohol, smoke cigarettes, and are often exposed to stressful situations). Therefore, let us take care of the heart throughout our lives, and not only when the menopause arrives. Let's not repeat to ourselves that we will think about his he alth in 20-30 years, when we stop menstruating,because then it might be
too late.

A woman's heart reacts differently to a man's heart

Heart disease in women is generally recognized later than in men. This happens for at least several reasons. First, we take our ailments a little bit lightly. Secondly, we are so busy taking care of children, running the house, and working that we keep putting off going to the clinic. Doctors are not without blame either. They downplay women's ailments, because they… don't suffer from heart disease. The fact is, however, that doctors sometimes find it difficult to diagnose cardiovascular conditions in women. In women, they may have less common symptoms.
» ISHEMA DISEASE OF THE HEART (coronary artery disease) - a typical symptom of this disease is angina (retrosternal) pain during exercise, which patients describe as a burning, crushing or stretching sensation in the chest. Women perceive it as very intense, but often mention other ailments at the same time. They complain, for example, of difficulty swallowing,
neck pain, shortness of breath, feeling anxious or very tired. In addition, pain behind the breastbone in women is more likely to occur in non-exercise-related situations. So it is confused with neurosis, stomach pain, and changes in the spine.
» ZAWAŁ - in women it is more often unrecognized. It happens that only the electrocardiogram shows that a heart attack has occurred. It can be painless. Only 1/3 of women experience characteristic retrosternal pain (stronger than in coronary artery disease). In others, the signal of a heart attack may be a feeling of shortness of breath, extreme exhaustion, easy fatigue, nausea, pain in the neck, back or stomach.

Cardiological syndrome X

Among heart diseases, this one is the most feminine. It is diagnosed primarily in women. Usually it affects them between the ages of 45 and 55. It manifests itself with angina pains typical of ischemic heart disease, accompanied by weakness, shortness of breath, increased heart rate, anxiety, depressed mood. Chest pains
often appear in a state of rest. It also happens that they occur after a little effort, and after a lot of effort, they are not present at all. Coronary angiography shows no changes in the coronary arteries. In cardiac syndrome X, cardiac ischemia is caused by impaired blood circulation in the small coronary vessels. Only the exercise electrocardiogram confirms the existence of this disease. Standard coronary drugs are not the most effective in this case. On the other hand, drugs that widen small vessels, antidepressants and anxiolytics give good results, which proves that the emotional factor is of great importance in the development of this disease. The prognosis is good.Cardiological syndrome X, unlike coronary artery disease, rarely leads to a heart attack.

Women should trust themselves, not estrogens

Prevention of heart disease for women is the same as for men and we have been in force since the age of 20. Remember that what we do for the heart in youth will certainly pay off in adulthood.

  • Take care of maintaining proper blood pressure. Hypertension damages blood vessels, which promotes the development of atherosclerosis, and forces the heart to work excessively. So let's eliminate the factors contributing to too high blood pressure (overweight, smoking, excessive consumption of s alt and alcohol, low physical activity). If we are prescribed medications to lower blood pressure, we should take them regularly. We should not stop taking them without the doctor's approval, even when we feel great and the blood pressure is normal.
  • Control your cholesterol levels. It is present in the blood in two basic fractions - LDL and HDL. The former promotes atherosclerosis, while the latter counteracts it. In order to lower LDL and increase HDL, let's limit the consumption of animal fats (it is best to replace them with vegetable ones), eat sea fish 1-2 times a week (they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on cholesterol levels), and do not feel sorry for vegetables.
  • Quit smoking. Nicotine damages and constricts blood vessels. In addition, smoking promotes the development of atherosclerosis because it lowers the levels of HDL that removes excess cholesterol from the arteries.
  • Check your blood glucose. It is worth doing it, because type 2 diabetes (the most common) does not hurt, does not give symptoms for a long time, and accelerates the development of atherosclerosis. The risk of type 2 diabetes increases obesity, so let's fight overweight.
  • Increase physical activity. It slows down the heart rate, lowers blood pressure, favorably modifies the lipid profile (the ratio of LDL to HDL and total cholesterol), has an antithrombotic effect.

Atherosclerosis - the main culprit

Atherosclerosis is the cause of the most common heart diseases - coronary heart disease and heart attack. Atherosclerotic plaque is formed in the vessels, made of cholesterol and various cells, which gradually narrows the arteries, obstructing blood flow. If the atherosclerotic plaque ruptures, a blood clot forms on its surface, which can suddenly close the lumen of the artery and cut off the blood supply to the heart. The risk of atherosclerosis is increased by hypertension, diabetes, smoking, abnormal lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides). Contrary to what most of us think, women are not particularly protected against atherosclerosis and its complications.

At the end of the 20th century, it was hypothesized that the development of atherosclerotic plaqueprecedes the inflammatory process. The search for the microorganism responsible for it has been going on for several years, because its elimination may inhibit the development of atherosclerosis. It appeared to be Chlamydia bacteria, but it turned out to be the wrong track. So the search continues. Cytomegalovirus and Helicobacter pylori are accused of causing inflammation. Recently, the most suspect is a bacterium living in the mouth - Porphyromonas gingivalis. It is responsible for periodontitis. It has been shown that the condition of the arteries improves after killing the bacteria.

Female heart and homocysteine ​​

Homocysteine ​​is a chemical produced in the process of digesting proteins. It was hailed as the cholesterol of the 21st century because it damages the endothelium of blood vessels and accelerates the formation of blood clots. The level of homocysteine ​​is lowered by vitamins B12, B6 and folic acid. However, there is no clear data that taking them will save us from a heart attack, because there are many factors that lead to it.

You must do it

Three important studies

» Blood pressure measurement. It should be performed once a year from the age of 20. Valid values:

  • 120/80 mm Hg - optimal blood pressure
  • 120-129 / 80-84 mm Hg - correct
  • 130-139 / 85-89 mm Hg - correct high

» Measurement of cholesterol and triglycerides. If the result is correct, the test is performed every 5 years. Every year they should be performed when:

  • the previous result was incorrect;
  • there are at least 2 risk factors for coronary artery disease, such as smoking, high blood pressure, low HDL cholesterol ( <40 mg/dl), rozpoznanie choroby wieńcowej u ojca przed 55. rokiem życia, u matki przed 65. rokiem życia.

Valid values:

  • total cholesterol<190 mg/dl
  • HDL>40 mg / dl males>45 mg / dl females
  • LDL<115 mg/dl
  • triglycerides<150 mg/dl (ich podwyższone stężenie ma mniejsze znaczenia dla ryzyka chorób serca i naczyń)

» Glucose measurement.

After the age of 45, this test should be performed by everyone, earlier (regardless of age) it is recommended to people belonging to the group of increased risk of developing diabetes, i.e. in the case of:

  • overweight (BMI>25)
  • family history of diabetes (parents or siblings)
  • low physical activity
  • abnormal blood lipid levels, a history of gestational diabetes or having a baby weighing more than 4 kg.

If the result is correct, the test is repeated after 3 years, if it was incorrect - after 1-2 years.

Correct value:
<100 mg/dl

monthly "Zdrowie"
