Do you suffer from high blood pressure, take medication and were instructed by your doctor to follow a high blood pressure diet? Are you wondering what such a diet is all about? What are you allowed to eat, what amounts and frequency of meals should you keep in order for your heart to work well? What's more - you are definitely thinking about what you are not allowed to.
The primary indication in the event ofhypertensionis the need to limit the energy absorbed with food to a level of 1700-2200 kcal per day. Thediethigh-carbohydrate diet with a moderate amount of protein also helps to lower blood pressure. In addition - a significant reduction in the amount of sodium consumed - to 1-3 g of table s alt (about ½ of a flat teaspoon) per day. Remember thats altin food is not always visible to the eye.
High blood pressure - what to avoid in your diet?
You should refrain from eating foods and snacks that contain a lot of s alt, such as sticks, chips, crackers, s alted peanuts, smoked meat, s alted fish, fast-food and pizza dishes, canned food, pickled products, casseroles. You should eliminate all pressure-raising drinks from your diet: natural coffee, Coca-Cola, energy drinks, strong tea and alcohol. It is also important to monitor cholesterol supply, so fatty meats, lard, high-fat dairy products are not recommended.
How to lower blood pressure with diet?
You should increase your vitamin intake (especially vitamin C). When using diuretics, most of the vitamins and minerals are excreted in the urine. The easiest way is to include a large amount of fresh fruit and vegetables in your diet, especially those rich in potassium: bananas, peaches, black currants, Brussels sprouts, garlic, avocados, potatoes, legumes. It is also recommended to eat wheat bran and walnuts in the diet. When fighting hypertension, try to lose excess pounds. Being overweight puts extra work on the heart. It can also increase blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and cause the development of diabetes in the elderly.
High pressure - avoid this:
- Forget about high-calorie, fatty meats. Eat only lean meat. Avoid frying meats and other foods, as well as eating cold cuts. Boil or stew the meat without itfat, bake in foil or parchment.
- Avoid hearty dessert dinners.
- Don't add s alt to your dishes! Replace table s alt with potassium s alt (with reduced sodium content) and natural spices: garlic, marjoram, basil, dill, parsley and tarragon.
- Animal fats, e.g. lard, bacon, replace with vegetable oils.
- Eat food that is easily digestible, does not stay in the stomach and does not cause gas.
If you suffer from hypertension - remember!
- Take medications prescribed by your doctor regularly.
- Check your blood pressure regularly.
- Don't overeat, don't drink too much fluids.
- Be careful with s alt - its excess increases the pressure.
- Avoid fatty meats, cold cuts and ready meals.
- Do not smoke.
- Avoid too much stress.
- Be physically active (But be careful! It cannot be too strenuous physical exercise - it causes an additional increase in blood pressure!).
- Avoid traveling in hot weather, with high air humidity and staying at high altitudes (it can even be fatal!).
- Nadciśnieniowcy feel well in Kudowa-Zdrój, try to rest in this place (sanatorium).