Mountain ash, or the mountain ash, or more precisely its preparations, have a lot of vitamins and substances that help to deal with constipation and flatulence. But not only. Rowan flowers have a diuretic effect, and the fruit can be used in the prevention of arteriosclerosis, help with kidney and gallstone disease, and soothe liver irritation. See when to harvest rowanberries for preserves.
Rowangrows not only in forests, but also in parks, gardens and along streets - it is an ornamental tree. It blooms in May, but looks most beautiful in fall, when the fully ripe fruit turns a scarlet red color. The spherical and fleshy berries are bitter and pungent in taste. They stay on the tree for quite a long time after the leaves have fallen. You know rowan, but did you know that its fruits are used in processing? Can you eat rowan?

Rowan - healing properties
Rowan flowers
Rowan flowers contain:
- carotenoids,
- anthocyanins,
- organic acids.
Rowan flowers are working:
- diuretic,
- Relaxing, but quite gentle and most often used in children.
Rowan fruit
Rowan fruits have more versatile properties. They include:
- organic acids,
- carotenoids,
- tanning substances,
- bitterness,
- carbohydrates (the most important of them is sugar alcohol - sorbitol),
- vitamin C,
- provitamin A.
Rowan fruits are used:
- in the prevention of arteriosclerosis and hypertensive disease,
- have diuretic properties,
- stimulate the intestines,
- have anti-inflammatory properties on the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines,
- soothe liver irritations,
- help with kidney and gallstone disease,
- help with chronic digestive disorders.
Rowan - fresh fruit is inedible
Fresh rowan fruits can cause vomiting and diarrhea. This is due to the presence of parasorbic acid - but the acid breaks down when the fruit is dried or extracted. Fruits harvested after frost are less bitter.
Rowan - nutritional values
The fruits of the rowan, the tree that grows widely in our country, decorate the autumn landscape. Coral, spherical fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C (35-45 mg in 100 g, which is more or less the same as in citrus) and beta-carotene. They also contain B vitamins, vitamin K, potassium, sodium, magnesium and copper. They also have organic acids, anthocyanins, flavonoids, tannins, pectins, and sugars.
Mountain ash heals and strengthens
Rowan fruits are included in many herbal mixtures. The most popular are those with laxative, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. They help with intestinal disorders (constipation, a tendency to flatulence), kidney and bladder ailments, and regulate metabolism.
Fruits are also a component of strengthening and vitamin preparations, used in the case of bacterial infections, preventively against flu and colds, and recommended for convalescents.
- Swedish rowan - are its fruits edible?
Rowan - recipes
bladder problems
Pour a glass of lukewarm water over a tablespoon of crushed rowan berries, bring to a boil and heat for 5 minutes, covered. Set aside for 15 minutes, strain. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day as an anti-diarrheal and diuretic drug.
kidney and liver pains:
Eat a teaspoon of dried, ground or powdered fruit twice daily with a glass of water.
to strengthen the heart rate:
Drink half a cup of rowan fruit tea 3 times a day. Recipe for rowan decoction: Add 2 tablespoons of dried rowan berries to 200 ml of water. Cook for half an hour.
for constipation
Pour a tablespoon of crushed rowan berries with a glass of cold water and leave it covered overnight. Filter in the morning. Drink during the day if you have problems with bowel movements.
When to harvest rowan for preserves?
Rowan flowers are harvested at the beginning of flowering, by cutting off the entire inflorescences - after drying, they are rubbed off the stalks on the sieves; properly prepared flowers should keep their white color. On the other hand, rowan fruits are harvested when they begin to ripen and turn red.
Whole umbels are cut off and the fruit is separated after drying. Forpreserves- jellies, jams - fresh fruit should be kept for 1-2 days in a freezer or harvested only after autumn frosts - then they have a milder taste and are less bitter. However, they contain a lot of vitamin C, so they can be a very tasty supplement to the treatmentanti-colds.