It is not difficult to adjust the eyebrows, we suggest how to do it yourself. It is worth trying, the more that the eyebrows emphasize the beauty of the eyes and their natural frame, add depth to the look and add character to the face. There is only one condition - they must be well modeled. Check out how to adjust the eyebrows step by step!
Brow adjustmentgives your face a new look. Elegant, properly modeled eyebrows give the woman character, emphasize the natural contour of the face and harmonize perfectly with everyday makeup. Overgrown eyebrows cover the eye and eyelid, which visibly ages the face and gives the face a threatening look.
It is better to regularly take care of the appearance of your eyebrows, then their light cosmetics will not take more than a few minutes once a week.How to regulate your eyebrows ? You can go to a beauty salon for professional waxing - the procedure is inexpensive (about PLN 15) and almost completely painless. But you can easily adjust your eyebrows yourself.
Eyebrow regulation with wax. Hair removal at home and at the beautician
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See the video on how to adjust the eyebrows and emphasize their shape:
How to regulate eyebrows?
It's best to do it after the bath - the skin is then fluffed up and the hair comes out easier. In the first step, you will need a pencil. Place it on your face so that with one end it reaches the wing of your nose, and the other end reaches the inner corner of the eye. Use a crayon to mark a point where the pencil crosses the brow bone. Then move the top end of the pencil so that it goes across the outer corner of the eye and, as before, mark the point where it intersects with thebrowbone . The designated points will be the boundary ofeyebrow adjustment . Their clear line should lie within the eye - from its inner to the outer corner.
Step by step eyebrow adjustment with tweezers
Hair outside the marked area must be removed with tweezers. You can also slightly narrow your eyebrows by plucking the hair from the bottom. Just be careful not to overdo it - narrow lines have long gone out of fashion. If you have extremelythick eyebrows , you can pluck them from the bottom, but very muchgently and carefully, keeping the overall shape of the eyebrows.
The same goes for the hairs at the top of the brow bone. You can pluck out their excess with tweezers or remove them with wax. It is better not to engage in similar maneuvers if you do not have a trained hand. For the firsteyebrow regulation , it is worth visiting a professional beautician and asking for the appointment of an appropriate eyebrow arch. Then, the regrowth of hair will be easier to remove on a regular basis.
- To quickly eliminate redness and burning after treatment, place an ice cube wrapped in a tissue for a few minutes. If irritation lasts longer, lubrication with allantoin cream, panthenol or zinc ointment will help.

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