Holidays are not only relaxation, but also he alth risks. When you go camping, going for a walk in the forest or on a meadow, you need to be vigilant, because wasps, bees and bedbugs are just waiting … Stings, bites, insect bites - how to protect yourself against them?
Insects in summercan tease. And not only the flying ones - wasps, bees, hornets, mosquitoes and flies thatsting , but alsoliceandbedbugscan be a problem during your vacation.
Insect stings: bees, wasps and hornets
- Bees, wasps and hornets kill 40,000 people per year. In adults, hypersensitivity to the venom of these insects occurs in the population with a frequency of 9.3-28.7% - says Aleksandra Gliniewicz from the National Institute of Public He alth of the National Institute of Hygiene. - In 2-19% of people, extensive skin lesions appear after a sting, and in 0.6-7.5% - systemic allergic reactions may occur. You can come across the nests of these insects in many places in the ground, in hollows and in the walls of buildings. Spherical wasp nests can be located on the branches of trees and shrubs, attics. Hornets (adult insects are about 4.5 cm long) like hollows in forests and parks, as well as old hives, nest boxes, walls of buildings. So that your stay in the bosom of nature does not end in pain, you need to be vigilant and know how not to behave. Before choosing a place for a picnic, carefully check if there is a nest nearby, if it is - do not destroy it, but look for a better place (do not destroy the nests mechanically!). Set up food traps - leave some bait food some distance from where you and your family will eat. When a wasp, bee or hornet appears near the blanket or sunbeds - do not make any sudden movements If it does get stung (if you are stung by a bee - get rid of the sting as soon as possible) - apply a cold compress (made of cold water or an ankle) to the sting site ice). If an allergy occurs, see a doctor. If serious symptoms such as shortness of breath appear, you should quickly call an ambulance. The most dangerous for humans is the venom of the hornet. The sting of even one hornet can be very serioussymptoms (including death) even in people who are not allergic.

Insects attacking in summer: lice - a souvenir from the colony
Wszawica in Poland, unfortunately, is not the past. The child comes back from a colony or camp and often scratches his head … - be sure to check his hair! May have lice. - Lice can be a direct cause of many diseases, at best they leave behind damage to the skin and peripheral capillaries, such as bloody ecchymoses or local inflammatory reactions - says Aleksandra Gliniewicz. - Some people may develop allergies, dermatoses and the possibility of secondary infections, which are the result of scratching itchy wounds. An adult insect is about 2-3 mm in size. The nits (lice larvae) are whitish brown in color and the size of a pinhead. The female lays up to 8 eggs a day for 20 days. Thanks to the adhesive substance, the nits stick firmly to the scalp. Within 10 days, the eggs hatch into a larva, which then transforms into an adult parasite. The insect feeds exclusively on human blood. There is a small lump at the site of the bite that itches and stings.
Lice do not jump like fleas but crawl, therefore direct contact with an infected person is necessary for the transmission of lice. For this reason, lice appear much more often in children and adolescents (you can get infected in a sandbox, while playing or even by borrowing a rubber band or a hair comb). Lice are combated with the help of preparations (available at the pharmacy): shampoos, lotions, lotions. The preparations are usually used twice, 7-10 days apart. After using the anti-lice agent, brush the hair well with a fine comb, and pull the nits off the hair by hand - most often the female folds them above the nape of the neck and behind the ears, right next to the scalp.
Bedbugs - disinfestation necessary at home
Bed bugs Household bugs sting and sucking blood - the stings are initially not painful, because the saliva of bedbugs contains an anesthetic substance. - The attacked people may not pay attention to the marks on the body, despite the visible ecchymoses on the sheets - says Aleksandra Gliniewicz. - After some time, depending on our sensitivity, the protein substances in bedbug's saliva can be irritating and sensitizing, causing itching and burning. Scratching the injection sites can lead to secondary infections. How to protect yourself? First of all, you should get rid of the things in which bedbugs have settled in the house, or subject them to disinfestation taking into account beds, spaces under paneling, etc.